What are "mission critical" repos since you just put everything in the
same list?
If we start removing project branches to be put on outsourced VCS we
remove any sheriff support for that project branch since, as been
pointed out many times, we dont have access to the server side commit
hooks and can't close the tree. This may (I want to use *want* but don't
have the data to prove it) impact engineering productivity. We have this
situation with Gaia which has its canonical repo on Github. Sheriffs can
land checkin-needed but can't close the tree. The way the B2G people do
it is to remove everyone from the repo and then re-add (or thats how
they used to do it) which then spams you with "you are now getting
notifications for repository X" which is annoying.
There is the other thing we need to worry about is the constant DDoS of
Github[1]. We have seen that when there is a massive one it will take
down their site for hours impacting engineering productivity again since
people can't pull or push. I couldn't find similar reports on bitbucket
but it can happen to any third party we may use.
[1] https://github.com/blog/1796-denial-of-service-attacks
On 26/03/2014 23:53, Taras Glek wrote:
*User Repos*
TLDR: I would like to make user repos read-only by April 30th. We
should archive them by May 31st.
Time spent operating user repositories could be spent reducing our
end-to-end continuous integration cycles. These do not seem like
mission-critical repos, seems like developers would be better off
hosting these on bitbucket or github. Using a 3rd-party host has
obvious benefits for collaboration & self-service that our existing
system will never meet.
We are happy to help move specific hg repos to bitbucket.
Once you have migrated your repository, please comment in
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=988628so we can free some
disk space.
*Non-User Repos*
There are too many non-user repos. I'm not convinced we should host
ash, oak, other project branches internally. I think we should focus
on mission-critical repos only. There should be less than a dozen of
those. I would like to stop hosting non-mission-critical repositories
by end of Q2.
This is a soft target. I don't have a concrete plan here. I'd like to
start experimenting with moving project branches elsewhere and see
where that takes us.
*What my hg repo needs X/Y that 3rd-party services do not provide?*
If you have a good reason to use a feature not supported by
github/bitbucket, we should continue hosting your repo at Mozilla.
*Why Not Move Everything to Github/Bitbucket/etc?*
Mozilla prefers to keep repositories public by-default. This does not
fit Github's business model which is built around private repos.
Github's free service does not provide any availability guarantee.
There is also a problem of github not supporting hg.
I'm not completely sure why we can't move everything to bitbucket.
Some of it is to do with anecdotal evidence of robustness problems.
Some of it is lack of hooks (sans post-receive POSTs).Additionally, as
with Github there is no availability guarantee.
Hosting arbitrary Moz-related hg repositories does not make strategic
sense. We should do the absolute minimum(eg http://bke.ro/?p=380)
required to keep Firefox shipping smoothly and focus our efforts on
making Firefox better.
ps. Footprint stats:
*Largest User Repos Out Of ~130GB*
1.1G dmt.alexandre_gmail.com
1.1G jblandy_mozilla.com
1.1G jparsons_mozilla.com
1.2G bugzilla_standard8.plus.com
1.2G mbrubeck_mozilla.com
1.2G mrbkap_mozilla.com
1.3G dcamp_campd.org
1.3G jst_mozilla.com
1.4G blassey_mozilla.com
1.4G gszorc_mozilla.com
1.4G iacobcatalin_gmail.com
1.5G cpearce_mozilla.com
1.5G hurley_mozilla.com
1.6G bsmedberg_mozilla.com
1.6G dglastonbury_mozilla.com
1.6G dtc-moz_scieneer.com
1.6G jlund_mozilla.com
1.6G sarentz_mozilla.com
1.6G sbruno_mozilla.com
1.7G mshal_mozilla.com
1.9G mhammond_skippinet.com.au
2.1G lwagner_mozilla.com
2.4G armenzg_mozilla.com
2.4G dougt_mozilla.com
2.5G bschouten_mozilla.com
2.7G hwine_mozilla.com
2.8G eakhgari_mozilla.com
2.8G mozilla_kewis.ch
2.9G rcampbell_mozilla.com
3.1G bhearsum_mozilla.com
3.1G rjesup_wgate.com
3.2G agal_mozilla.com
3.3G axel_mozilla.com
3.3G prepr-ffxbld
4.2G jford_mozilla.com
4.3G mgervasini_mozilla.com
4.6G lsblakk_mozilla.com
5.0G bsmith_mozilla.com
5.5G nthomas_mozilla.com
5.8G coop_mozilla.com
6.5G jhopkins_mozilla.com
7.7G raliiev_mozilla.com
9.2G catlee_mozilla.com
13G stage-ffxbld
*Space Usage by Non-user repos ~100GB*
24K integration/gaia-1_4
28K addon-sdk
28K projects/collusion
32K integration/gaia-1_1_0
32K projects/emscripten
32K projects/Moz2D
32K releases/mozilla-b2g18_v1_1_0
144K projects/addon-sdk-jetperf-tests
268K ipccode
452K testpilot-l10n
500K releases/firefox-hotfixes
700K projects/python-nss
896K schema-validation
1.2M projects/mccoy
1.4M pyxpcom
2.4M platform-model
2.4M xforms
2.6M releases/mobile-1.1
2.6M venkman
2.8M www
2.9M releases/mobile-5.0
3.1M penelope
3.3M releases/mobile-2.0
3.5M tbbuild
3.7M hgcustom
3.9M releases/mobile-6.0
4.6M chatzilla
5.3M graphs
5.4M projects/kraken
6.4M projects/ldap-sdks
6.7M dom-inspector
6.7M projects/htmlparser
7.0M weave-l10n
13M mobile-browser
14M integration/gaia-ui-tests
14M projects/jss
19M projects/addon-sdk-release
20M projects/addon-sdk-beta
25M projects/nspr
25M releases/comm-1.9.2
28M rewriting-and-analysis
30M camino
30M releases/comm-esr24
30M releases/comm-miramar
31M projects/addon-sdk
35M releases/comm-1.9.1
37M releases/comm-esr17
43M gaia-l10n
44M releases/comm-esr10
48M l10n
48M qa
51M releases/gaia-l10n
52M automation
53M projects/2007-configure-rewrite
59M webtools
63M projects/dxr
75M releases/comm-2.0
82M releases/comm-release
110M projects/nss
113M try-comm-central
115M releases/comm-beta
124M releases/comm-aurora
126M comm-central
132M tamarin-redux
141M releases/mozilla-1.9.2
158M releases/mozilla-1.9.1
212M projects/firefox-lorentz
224M releases/mozilla-2.1
229M cvs-trunk-mirror
229M releases/l10n-mozilla-2.0
234M releases/mozilla-mobile-5.0
240M releases/l10n-mozilla-1.9.2
285M releases/l10n-mozilla-1.9.1
285M releases/mozilla-miramar
291M releases/mozilla-2.0
317M releases/l10n-miramar
322M labs
341M projects/private-browsing
370M releases/mozilla-b2g18_v1_0_1
370M releases/mozilla-mobile-6.0
400M releases/mozilla-b2g18_v1_0_0
406M projects/electrolysis
424M projects/places
427M releases/mozilla-b2g26_v1_2f
448M projects/addonsmgr
453M releases/mozilla-esr10
471M mozilla-build
480M releases/mozilla-esr17
492M build
574M projects/accessibility
600M l10n-central
604M releases/mozilla-esr24
615M integration/gaia-shira
648M integration/gaia-1_0_0
648M integration/gaia-nightly
655M integration/gaia-1_0_1
673M projects/jamun
714M integration/gaia-v1-train
715M projects/pine
722M projects/cypress
741M integration/gaia-1_1_0_hd
786M projects/birch
818M projects/date
835M projects/elm
917M projects/webcl
936M projects/ux
952M projects/build-system
958M integration/gaia-1_2f
959M integration/gaia-1_2
985M projects/cedar
1011M releases/mozilla-beta
1.1G incubator
1.1G integration/gaia-1_3
1.1G private
1.1G projects/profiling
1.1G releases/mozilla-b2g18
1.1G releases/mozilla-b2g18_v1_1_0_hd
1.1G releases/mozilla-b2g26_v1_2
1.2G projects/graphics
1.2G projects/ionmonkey
1.2G releases/mozilla-release
1.3G integration/gaia
1.3G services
1.4G integration/gaia-central
1.5G integration/b2g-inbound
1.5G integration/fx-team
1.5G mozilla-central
1.5G projects/gum
1.5G projects/holly
1.5G projects/holly-new
1.5G projects/metro
1.5G releases/mozilla-aurora
1.5G releases/mozilla-b2g28_v1_3
1.5G releases/mozilla-b2g28_v1_3t
1.6G integration/mozilla-inbound
1.6G projects/ash
1.6G projects/fig
1.7G projects/alder
2.1G releases/l10n
2.3G try
2.4G projects/larch
2.4G projects/maple
2.4G projects/oak
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