Hi, Reed. Rest assured, many of your wishes are planned for the future. But 
when you have a big project, you've got to pick some things.

Last week's release was an important milestone: it was the minimal feature set 
that would yield a cohesive experience under a UI new design. The new design 
solves a lot of usability problems, removes some serious limitations, and gives 
us places to put several things planned for the near future. Now, ordinarily, I 
abhor big-red-lever launches, as evidenced by our continued rollout of features 
onto production while the UI work was in progress and the fact that we deployed 
7 times yesterday. However, you can't always iterate your way to big 
user-facing changes and make sense the whole time. So don't take the current 
state as an end; it's just an uncharacteristically large step, worthy of a 
release announcement.

Let me address your individual wishes:

> * Where are the non-mozilla-central repositories?

Coming! One of the big UI-branch features is improved support for multiple 
trees. The UI for that is hidden right now, since there's only one tree 
indexed. But we're working on comm-central right now. Aurora is next. Then 
we'll continue pulling in more, in order of the popularity they see on MXR. I 
think you'll like what you see.

> * Where's the integration with CVS?
> * Where are the links to see changes over the last day, week, month,
>  etc.?

A lower priority since there are plenty of other ways to poll version control. 
However, we have a flexible framework for VCS integration 
and this would be an easy first bug, if it's important to you. (If you can get 
a bunch of people to hoot and holler about how important it is, we'll move it 
up the roadmap.)

> * Why do I have to click on "Navigation" just to get basic functionality?

That was already ticketed, and I fixed it yesterday; the nav pane is now 
disclosed by default. More is planned: 

> * Why is it not accessible over SSL?

There's an IT bug filed about that, but indexing more trees is higher priority 
right now. Do you have a specific use case in mind?

Feel free to have a look at our roadmap (https://wiki.mozilla.org/DXR_Roadmap) 
and add constructively to it.

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