
1) WebCrypto does not initially plan support for making end-user
certificates available.
2) Our use case, currently implemented as a NPAPI plug-in, needs Mozilla to
continue supporting NPAPI until WebCrypto makes end-user certficates

I have a disturbing feeling. I hope that Microsoft's IE does not become the
less problematic option for us and our customers.

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 4:44 AM, Alex Jordan <>wrote:

> On Nov 20, 2013 5:42 AM, "Benjamin Smedberg" <>
> wrote:
> > From what I know of NaCl, you won't be able to get outside the sandbox
> and access any system libraries, so unless Chrome makes client certificates
> available to you via API, it won't help this use case.
> I suspect the Chrome people expect you to write a PPAPI plugin.
> Unfortunately, Pepper is nasty. IIRC, it's basically just a bunch of
> Chrome/Chromium guts exposed to the plugin process.
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