On Monday, November 18, 2013 5:36:48 PM UTC-8, Brandon Benvie wrote:
> On 11/18/2013 4:54 PM, Dave Townsend wrote:
> > There are add-ons using the existing promises implementations. Is there any
> > reason not to make those wrappers around the DOM promises to avoid
> > potential bustage?
> >
> > At least the add-on SDK promises library provides functionality beyond that
> > that appears to be in the DOM promises (custom prototypes for example). How
> > are you planning to handle that?
> It is pretty trivial to wrap the DOM Promise implementation so that it's 
> compatible with code using Promise.jsm (Deferreds) [1]. More difficult 
> is porting code using the addon-sdk (which can synchronously resolve 
> promises) to the async implementations (either DOM Promises or 
> Promise.jsm). Work is ongoing to port the devtools (which make extensive 
> use of addon-sdk promises) to Promise.jsm [2].
> [1] https://gist.github.com/Benvie/58f32410073b8a10d03f
> [2] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=881050

Is there are reason devtools cannot switch to DOM Promises directly rather than 
go through making Promise.jsm a wrapper around DOM Promise? The current promise 
implementations which allow resolving later are leading to very un-idiomatic 
promise code in the tree, and the encapsulation of (resolve, reject) being 
'private' to the constructor callback should force a better style and easier to 
read code.

If addon-sdk allows synchronously resolving promises, I'd like to help in a 
migration path that ensures these are not abused, and eventually gotten rid 
off. In the current spec, and as far as I know, Promises have always resolved 
asynchronously. Synchronous resolution can lead to various problems including 
running out of stack space and unintentional blocking code.

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