On 11/15/13, 12:26 PM, Terrence Cole wrote:
The problem this mess is solving, at least in the GC, is that gecko
needs to be able to inline barriers, UnmarkGray, and misc other stuff.
Whenever we accidentally out-of-line anything in these paths we see a
tremendous slowdown on dromaeo_dom and dromaeo_css, so we do have strong
evidence that this optimization is critical. We hide as many of the
internal GC details as possible behind magic number offsets, void*, and
shadow structs, but this still -- particularly combined with templates
-- leaves us with a tremendous amount of code in headers.

I think our best hope for improving compilation time with these
limitations is C++ modules. It wouldn't really improve the code layout
mess, but would at least mean we only have to compile the massive pile
of inlined code once.

Could you compile parts of SpiderMonkey in unified mode?

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