Hello everyone,

I'm working on automated tests for Gecko's camera code on B2G, and I want to replace different pieces of the implementation with fake objects that return one or more injected error codes so that I can exercise all of the error-handling paths.

None of this code needs to be included in shipping B2G builds (particularly if space on the target device is at a premium), so I was wondering if there were a way to have it included in TBPL builds but not otherwise.

I've spoken to a few people now and it doesn't sound like there is such a thing, but it also sounds like it might be a useful thing to have.

Example usage:

#ifdef TEST_MODE*
    if (mozilla::Preferences::GetBool("camera.test.mode", false)) {
        return FakeCameraInstance();
    } else {
        return RealCameraInstance();
#ifdef TEST_MODE*



* bikeshed away. :)

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