On 11/7/2013 5:42 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
Do Thunderbird developers want to keep decoders that are going away
from Firefox? These include:
I don't think any Thunderbird developer is well-informed on the issue of
charsets in email. The only non-web charset I know we need is the IMAP
modified UTF-7 charset (and this is only for conversion of mailbox names
in the IMAP protocol, not for body charsets). Owing to the nature of the
release cycle, any negative impact on the removal of other charsets are
unlikely to be discovered until the next ESR is released (TB 31, unless
someone changes the release structure before then). I'm hoping to be
able to use the same charsets that the encoding standard uses, but I do
not know the impact of that decision.
Joshua Cranmer
Thunderbird and DXR developer
Source code archæologist
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