Thanks for putting this together, and thanks to everybody working on
making the build faster and thus making us all more productive. This
sped up clobber build times on Windows for me by 6 minutes, around 22%,
which is great. Some of us can't switch to a *nix based platform in
order to get faster builds, so thanks very much.
Chris P.
On 17-Oct-13 2:43 AM, Mike Hommey wrote:
Episode 1 was the "You want faster builds, don't you" thread.
Episode 2 was the "Faster builds, now" thread.
Here comes episode 3.
I'm sure fellow developers building on Windows felt sad that they were
left out on the recent build improvements. Rejoice at last, as we are
now bringing those to you.
As of current mozilla-inbound, and I'm sure mozilla-central soon, it
only takes a few steps:
- Download the mozmake binary from and place it in some
location in your $PATH. c:\mozilla-build\msys\local\bin is probably
good for most people. See bug 927213 if you want to know how it was
built. It will eventually be shipped in next release of MozillaBuild.
- Add the following to your mozconfig:
export MOZ_PSEUDO_DERECURSE=no-pymake
(Note this should become the default next week)
- Build with:
./mach build
After you built once, you can do edit-compile-edit-compile cycles with:
./mach build binaries
Enjoy the faster build times.
PS: mozmake is also being tested on the birch branch, and it is showing
promising turnaround times on Windows build slaves (-35 minutes on opt
builds, -1 hour on debug builds ; most of which is, surprisingly, is
gained on make check, see )
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