Hi all

Due to the summit & travel before/after, there will be minimal sheriff coverage from roughly now, until start of day Eastern Time on Tuesday 8th at the earliest.

The trees will remain open for now - and the sheriffs will possibly be able to look at them a couple of times between now and then - but I'd like to presume the worst, given we don't know how reliable the venue wifi will be & there will presumably be little time for tree watching given the busy Summit schedule.

At the first sign of trouble, the trees will be closed to prevent further damage, and as and when (/if) a sheriff (or some kind soul) has enough connectivity to perform the required backouts, they can reopen.

I'm hoping the summit will mean reduced commit frequencies and so this becomes a non-issue, but wanted to give a heads up in case of extended tree-closure (or extreme breakage requiring a complete repo reset to last-known green).

Best wishes,

Ed & the rest of the Sheriffing team
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