Hi everyone,

If you run debug builds, you're probably aware of all the gunk
that gets dumped out to the console for even simple things like
starting up a browser. There's probably a rationale for all of
WARNING: No disk space watcher component available!: file 
/home/billm/mozilla/in1/dom/indexedDB/IndexedDatabaseManager.cpp, line 207
these messages and warnings, and we probably do fix some of them
occasionally. But at this point, there are so many that it's a
++DOMWINDOW == 4 (0x7effb67f08b8) [serial = 4] [outer = 0x7effb67ef8b8]
++DOMWINDOW == 5 (0x7effb64f1cb8) [serial = 5] [outer = 0x7effbfbe70b8]
little overwhelming. What's really bothersome is that my own
WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && subjPrincipal) failed: file 
/home/billm/mozilla/in1/docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, line 8442
debugging printfs are hard to find in all the unrelated spew.

I just landed bug 921293, which makes it possible to silence some
of these messages with an environment variable. If you just add
the following to your .bashrc or whatever:

# Silence ++THIS and --THAT
export MOZ_QUIET=1

# Silence NS_WARNING

then you won't get any more messages about DOM windows or
docshell creation/destruction or about NS_WARNINGs firing. So far
it's had a much more positive effect on my debugging experience
than I would have expected.

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