Hi everyone,

The C++ Standards Committee is meeting in Chicago next week. Their focus will 
be on C++14, the upcoming version of the C++ standard, as well as some 
Technical Specifications (specifications for features intended to be 
standardized but not fully-baked enough to be standardized now) that are also 
planned for publication in 2014. Presumably there will also be some discussion 
of the following version of the standard, C++17.

I will attend this meeting as an observer. I intend to follow the progress of 
the Concepts Lite proposal [1] which I'm particularly interested in, but I will 
try to keep up with other goings-on as well (the committee splits up into 
several sub-groups that meet in parallel over the course of the week).

I wanted to ask if there's anything anyone would like to know about the 
upcoming standards that I could find out at the meeting - if so, please let me 
know and I will do my best to find it out.

If anyone's interested in the C++ standardization process, you can find more 
information here [2].


[2] http://isocpp.org/std
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