
I have numerous copies of mozilla-central (and other repos) for various purposes - spread around physical boxes and VMs. Some of them I use regularly and update regularly, others not-regularly. I've been thinking about the amount of time and bandwidth I waste updating them all from a remote server (hg.mozilla.org, github, etc). I suspect I'm not alone in this.

So, I was thinking of setting up a local mirror of mozilla-central (and other repos) - and update my development repos from the local mirror. Obviously, I'd like to automatically keep the mirror up to date, but without hammering the remote server. I was thinking regularly scheduled updates from the remote, as well as on-demand updates whenever I pull from the local mirror if the last scheduled update was greater than X hours ago.

Has anyone setup this type of system before? Or know of any tools that already handle this? It'd be nice to save some time by working from previous art, as well as document the process for others.

- Blair
dev-platform mailing list

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