(cross-posting to make sure this is not missed; please respond in
dev-planning or bug#847727)

tl,dr:  we're moving replication of gecko+gaia repos to more robust
systems.  This email gives quick status, and summary of rollout plan.

In the rush to B2G 1.0 release, we had to quickly stand up replication
systems to mirror changes from github to hg.m.o and to git.m.o. These
locally-patched systems replicate 368 repos, 24x7, and have carried us
a long way, but they are fragile to network/system hiccups, and tricky
to configure for new branches. Now that v1.0 has shipped, and we're
into more predictable development cadence, its time to switch to more
robust systems.

Over  the last few months, we've been standing up new systems alongside
our  current production systems. On the new systems, we've been testing
newer  version of hg-git conversion by running our biggest, most
comprehensive  testdata we have - the entire cvs-history and hg-history
of  mozilla-central. When we hit problems that break the hg-git
conversion  tools, we upstreamed fixes to the hg-git tools. Being able
to process  all the edge-cases that Mozilla developers have thrown at
cvs and hg  since the start of Mozilla gives us confidence that these
scripts are  robust enough to use in production going forward.

The curious can see the generated, fully converted repo, at
https://github.com/escapewindow/test-beagle. It's roughly equivalent to
https://github.com/mozilla/mozilla-central, but with SHAs that match
http://git.mozilla.org/?p=releases/gecko.git;a=summary .

The "test-beagle" repo currently contains:
* mozilla-central with full CVS history
* mozilla-b2g18
* mozilla-b2g18_v1_1_0_hd
* mozilla-b2g18_v1_0_1
* mozilla-b2g18_v1_0_0
* mozilla-aurora
* mozilla-beta, with relbranches
* mozilla-release, with relbranches
* mozilla-esr17
* mozilla-inbound
* b2g-inbound
* fx-team

If you see anything that looks wrong in this repo, please do let us know.

1) Do *not* use this for any production work or real development
work... not just yet. This repo is, as the name suggests, a test repo
that we reserve the right to reset at any point as/when we find problems.
2) The branches to be included in this repo, and the final name and
location of the "test-beagle" repo, are still in flux. We're
considering having separate conversions of other repos that can be
pulled into local clones if desired. For more background, read the blog
post below for details.
3) Note that these can not be identical repos due to partner
requirements for gecko.git; see the blog post below).
4) All the release branches generated per release are present, but
currently no release tags. Moving tags is problematic in git; see the
blog post below for details.

Our rollout plan is to:
* enable "test-beagle" repo in mozilla account on github (using real
name of course!)
* replace/reset these repos on github
https://github.com/mozilla/releases-mozilla-release) since they don't
have CVS history and have a different set of SHAs.  If they're unneeded
and we can nuke 'em, even better.
* switch over http://git.mozilla.org/?p=releases/gecko.git;a=summary
to be on these new scripts. As the SHAs are the same, this should be
invisible to Mozilla devs and partners using it, and should buy us
better stability.

There's  plenty of other work after this deploy is completed (l10n,
bitbucket,  etc), but this is a big leap forward and exciting to see.

Hope all that makes sense - for more information, please see:
* the blog post http://escapewindow.dreamwidth.org/238476.html
* the bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=847727

Aki, Hal and John.

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