>It is very useful for building a logging interface that is safer and more
>convenient than NSPR's printf-style logging. Note that, again, Eric
>Rescorla already built an (partial) iostream-based wrapper around NSPR for
>WebRTC. I would say that, if there is no additional overhead, then we
>should consider making iostream-based logging the default way of doing
>things in Gecko because it is so much less error-prone.

I found this comment interesting.  It wasn't that long ago I was instructed
to get rid of all iostream-based logging from media/webrtc/signaling and
media/mtransport if it we wanted the logging to appear in opt builds.


I agree that iostream-based logging would be safer.  If we had it I
wouldn't have had to work on this one:


Can we now use iostreams throughout this code?


On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Brian Smith <br...@briansmith.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 7:41 PM, Joshua Cranmer 🐧 <pidgeo...@gmail.com
> >wrote:
> > implementation, libc++, libstdc++, and stlport. Since most nice charts of
> > C++11 compatibility focus on what the compiler needs to do, I've put
> > together a high-level overview of the major additions to the standard
> > library [3]:
> > * std::function/std::bind -- Generalization of function pointers
> >
> Note that Eric Rescorla implemented his own std::bind polyfill when he was
> working on WebRTC. I also have some new code I am working on where
> std::bind is extremely helpful.
> > Now that you have the background for what is or will be in standard C++,
> > let me discuss the real question I want to discuss: how much of this
> should
> > we be using in Mozilla?
> >
> > For purposes of discussion, I think it's worth breaking down the C++ (and
> > C) standard library into the following components:
> > * Containers--vector, map, etc.
> > * Strings
> > * I/O
> > * Platform support (threading, networking, filesystems, locales)
> > * Other helpful utilities (std::random, std::tuple, etc.)
> >
> > The iostream library has some issues with using (particularly static
> > constructors IIRC), and is not so usable for most of the things that
> Gecko
> > needs to do.
> It is very useful for building a logging interface that is safer and more
> convenient than NSPR's printf-style logging. Note that, again, Eric
> Rescorla already built an (partial) iostream-based wrapper around NSPR for
> WebRTC. I would say that, if there is no additional overhead, then we
> should consider making iostream-based logging the default way of doing
> things in Gecko because it is so much less error-prone.
> > Even if fully using the standard library is untenable from a performance
> > perspective, usability may be enhanced if we align some of our APIs which
> > mimic STL functionality with the actual STL APIs. For example, we could
> add
> > begin()/end()/push_back()/etc. methods to nsTArray to make it a fairly
> > drop-in replacement for std::vector, or at least close enough to one that
> > it could be used in other STL APIs (like std::sort, std::find, etc.).
> > However, this does create massive incongruities in our API, since the
> > standard library prefers naming stuff with this_kind_of_convention
> whereas
> > most Mozilla style guides prefer ThisKindOfConvention.
> >
> Perhaps a more annoying issue--though not a showstoper--is that
> unique_ptr::release() means something quite different than
> nsXXXPtr::Release() means.
> > With all of that stated, the questions I want to pose to the community at
> > large are as follows:
> > 1. How much, and where, should we be using standard C++ library
> > functionality in Mozilla code?
> >
> We should definitely prefer using the standard C++ library over writing any
> new code for MFBT, *unless* there is consensus that the new thing we'd do
> in MFBT is substantially clearer. (For example, I think some people
> successfully argued that we should have our own atomic types because our
> interface is clearly better than std::atomic.)
> Even in the case where MFBT or XPCOM stuff is generally better, We should
> *allow* using the standard C++ library anywhere that has additional
> constraints that warrant a different tradeoff; e.g. needing to be built
> separately from Gecko and/or otherwise needing to minimize Gecko
> dependencies.
> > 3. How should we handle bridge support for standardized features not yet
> > universally-implemented?
> >
> Generally, I would much rather we implement std::whatever ourselves than
> implement mozilla::Whatever, all other things being equal. This saves us
> from the massive rewrites later to s/mozilla::Whatever/std::whatever/;
> while such rewrites are generally a net win, they are still disruptive
> enough to warrant trying to avoid them when possible. In the case where it
> is just STLPort being behind, we should just add the thing to STLPort (and
> try to upstream it). in the case where the lack of support for a useful
> standard library feature is more widespread, we should still implement
> std::whatever if the language support we have enables us to do so. I am not
> sure where such implementations should live.
> > 4. When should we prefer our own implementations to standard library
> > implementations?
> >
> It is a judgement call. The default should be to use standard library
> functions, but we shouldn't be shy about using our own stuff if it is
> clearly better. On the other side, we shouldn't be shy about replacing uses
> of same-thing-but-different Mozilla-specific libraries with uses of the
> standard libraries, all things being equal.
> > 5. To what degree should our platform-bridging libraries
> > (xpcom/mfbt/necko/nspr) use or align with the C++ standard library?
> >
> I am not sure why you include Necko in that list. Did you mean NSS? For
> NSPR and NSS, I would like to include some very basic utilities like
> ScopedPRFileDesc that are included directly in NSPR/NSS, so that we can use
> them in GTest-based tests, even if NSPR and NSS otherwise stick with C.
> But, I don't know if the module owners of those modules will accept them.
> > 6. Where support for an API we wish to use is not universal, what is the
> > preferred way to mock that support?
> > [Note: similar questions also apply to NSPR and NSS with respect to newer
> > C99 and C11 functionality.]
> >
> There is no tolerance for mass changes like s/PRInt32/int32_t/ in NSPR or
> NSS, AFAICT. C99 and C11 are basically off the table too, because Microsoft
> refuses to support them in MSVC.
> Cheers,
> Brian
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