On 02.08.2013 03:35, Gavin Sharp wrote:
> The experiment you're referring to was Adblock running in Firefox with
> remote tabs enabled, I think. I'm not up to date with how that
> experiment was progressing, but I think there are some fundamental
> differences between that scenario and the background content processes
> being used for the background thumbnailing service that might not make
> the two cases directly comparable.
> It would be valuable for an adblockplus developer to investigate, certainly.

Unless I missed something, this is about Adblock Plus supporting the original 
incarnation of Firefox Mobile, the one with two separate processes for chrome 
and content. This code is long gone in the current Adblock Plus versions - it 
was a real pain to support due to lots of unavoidable code duplication. The 
last version still having it is Adblock Plus 1.3.10.

The code in question was explicitly running in Firefox Mobile only. It used 
messageManager.loadFrameScript() API to inject code into the content process of 
new tabs - I doubt that it will work the same here, Adblock Plus would probably 
need to look explicitly for these <browser remote="true"> elements (is there an 
event when they are created?).

Altogether, supporting this in Adblock Plus should be possible - but it will 
require significant amounts of additional code and introduce quite a bit of new 
complexity. I also have doubts whether this is work that should receive 
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