On 5/29/2013 1:50 PM, Benoit Girard wrote:
The clang-format list tells me that there are near-term plans for a standalone "clang-tidy" utility built on clang-format that will do much of what we're looking for as far as basic code-cleanup goes. I'm asking around about what "near-term" means, and if the answer isn't good enough I'm going to try to add something to clang-format to give users some moz-style guidance as a temporary measure.
I'd be happy to replace what's I'll be rolling out in bug 875605 once
something better comes along. But c++ isn't new so I'm not holding my
breath :).

From: Daniel Jasper <djasper-hpiqsd4aklfqt0dzr+a...@public.gmane.org>
Subject: [PATCH] Initial clang-tidy architecture
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 03:30:35 -0700

I call that "near-term". :-)

Joshua Cranmer
Thunderbird and DXR developer
Source code archæologist

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