I have a toolbar button that displays a XUL panel when pressed. The panel 
contains an iframe into which an HTML page is loaded. To avoid "flicker", I'd 
like to defer display of the panel until the HTML page has finished loading 

I tried setting the panel's hidden property to true in the popupshowing handler 
and then setting it back to true when the iframe has finished loading. The 
DOMContentLoaded handler for the iframe is called, but the panel remains 
invisible even after setting hidden back to false. The state of the panel is 
'closed' at this point.

It seems like the panel is automatically being closed when its hidden property 
is set to true. (The same happens when I set style.display to 'none' or 
collapsed to true). I nosed around the source code a bit but ended it quickly 
in the bowels of nsBoxObject.cpp. Before I start debugging the box object code, 
does anyone have any insights into why setting the hidden property of the 
panel's XUL element to true causes it to be closed (and thus remain invisible 
even when hidden is set back to false)?
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