On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 05:18:09PM -0400, Vladan Djeric wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently came across a situation where it would have been useful
> to control the order in which components receive the same shutdown
> notification. Specifically, Telemetry writes out session data to the
> profile dir during the "profile-before-change" event, but it needs
> to include any measurements reported by other components while they
> are handling the same "profile-before-change" notification. So
> ideally, Telemetry would be the last observer to get the
> notification.
> As an additional example, OS.File needs to be the second-last
> observer of "profile-before-change", since it needs to service new
> requests to OS.File from other components during their handling of
> "profile-before-change", but it also needs to record measurements in
> Telemetry before Telemetry has handled the same event.
> I'd like to know if these use-cases are sufficiently rare that we
> should just add new shutdown events when needed (e.g. we added
> "profile-before-change2" for Telemetry in bug 844331), or if we
> should come up with a general way to impose order of shutdown based
> on dependencies?

I believe roc proposed just having an explicit hard coded list of things
to start up a while ago, and I'm tempted to say that's what we should do for
shutdown too.  So just add an explicit call to some os.file thing
followd by a call to a telemetry function after profile-before-change
but not after anything else.


> Thanks,
> Vladan
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