On Monday, 6 May 2013 01:38:39 UTC+10, Benoit Jacob  wrote:
> Hi,
> Summary: MathML is a vestigial remnant of the XML-everything era, and we
> should drop it.
> ***
> 1. Reasons why I believe that MathML never was a good idea. Summary:
> over-specialized and uniformly inferior to the pre-existing,
> well-established standard, TeX.
>    1.1. MathML is too specialized: we should be reluctant to have a
> separate spec for every kind of specialized typography. What if musicians
> wanted their own MusicML too?
>    1.2. MathML reinvents the wheel, poorly. A suitable subset of TeX (not
> the entirety of TeX, as that is a huge, single-implementation technology
> that reputedly only Knuth ever fully understood) was the right choice all
> along, because:
>       1.2.1. TeX is already the universally adopted standard --- and
> already was long before MathML was invented. Check for yourself on
> http://arxiv.org/ , where most new math papers are uploaded --- pick any
> article, then "other" formats, then "Source": you can then download TeX
> sources for almost every article.
>       1.2.2. TeX is very friendly to manual writing, being concise and
> close to natural notation, with limited overhead (some backslashes and
> curly braces), while MathML is as tedious to handwrite as any other
> XML-based format. An example is worked out at
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MathML#Example_and_comparison_to_other_formats,
> where the solution to the quadratic equation is one line of TeX versus
> 30
> lines of MathML!
>       1.2.3. An important corollary of being very close to natural notation
> is that TeX can be nearly trivially "read aloud". That means that it offers
> a particularly easy accessibility story. No matter what mechanism is used
> to graphically display equations, providing the TeX source (similarly to
> images alt text) would allow anyone to quickly read it themselves without
> any kind of software support; and screen reading software could properly
> read equations with minimal TeX-specific support code. For example, TeX
> code such as "\int_0^1 x^2 dx" can be readily understood by any human with
> basic TeX exposure (which is nearly 100% of mathematicians) and can be
> easily handled by any screen reader that knows that \int should be read as
> "integral" and that immediately after it, _ and ^ should be read as "from"
> and "to" respectively.
> ***
> 2. Reasons why even if MathML had ever been a decent idea, now would be the
> right time to drop it. Summary: never really got traction, and the same
> rendering can now be achieved without MathML support.
>    2.1. MathML never saw much traction outside of Mozilla, despite having
> been around for a decade. WebKit only got a very limited partial
> implementation recently, and Google removed it from Blink. The fact that it
> was just dropped from Blink says much about how little it's used: Google
> wouldn't have disabled a feature that's needed to render web pages in the
> real world. Opera got an implementation too, but Opera's engine has been
> phased out.
>    2.2. High-quality mathematical typography in browsers is now possible,
> without using MathML. Examples include MathJax ( http://www.mathjax.org/ ),
> which happily takes either TeX or MathML input and renders it without
> specific browser support, and of course PDF.js which is theoretically able
> to render all PDFs including those generated by pdftex. Both approaches
> give far higher quality output than what any current MathML browser
> implementation offers.
> ***
> 3. Proposals
> Assuming that there will be agreement to drop MathML, I can see us doing
> either of two things:
>    3.1. Either just drop MathML support; the assumption would be that
> current solutions not requiring specific browser support, such as MathJax
> or PDF.js, are sufficient;
>    3.2. Or drop MathML support and create a new specification, that would
> be based on a suitable subset of TeX.
> In both approaches, distributing TeX source code alongside with a page is
> highly desirable because it is the preferred source form of most math
> content and because it enables good accessibility as discussed above. In
> the 3.1 approach, that would be like alt text on images: something that
> many authors would omit in practice. In the 3.2 approach, that would be the
> document itself, which means that it couldn't be neglected.
> The big problem with 3.2. is the same issue as we described in 1.1: any
> math-specific system may well be over-specialized. Then again, TeX is not
> exclusively restricted to math typography, and it has been used for e.g.
> music typography before. So to some extent that I haven't precisely figured
> yet, the 1.1 overspecialization against MathML may not fully apply against
> a TeX-based solution.
> Benoit

I find it extremely disappointing this was posted the *day* after the Slashdot 
article was published at 

Was the real motivation for this thread in any way related to the timing of 
that story?
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