2013/5/6 Joshua Cranmer 🐧 <pidgeo...@gmail.com>

> On 5/6/2013 2:12 PM, Benoit Jacob wrote:
>> How many specific domains will want to have their own domain-specific
>> markup language next? Chemistry? Biology? Electronics? Music? Flow charts?
>> Calligraphy?
> MathML specifies mathematical formulae, which is not domain-specific, and
> is itself a building block for other fields as well. Looking at the other
> fields:
> Chemical formulas of course can use MathML, and drawing chemical
> structures is best built on SVG. Note that even practitioners in the field
> are used to basically building these structures with tools like ChemDraw,
> which can be thought of as a specialized SVG tool.
> I don't know what biology can specify, but I don't think there's much that
> they couldn't solve without basic 2D and 3D graphics.
> Electronics' circuit diagrams are easily just a set of macros on top of
> SVG, as are music and flow charts.

Of course not; just like math, music will want a higher level of
abstraction that's not directly tied to graphical rendering, like a set of
SVG macros would be.

In fact, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MusicXML

And in fact... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_XML_markup_languages


> I haven't read the source code of MathJAX, but the fact that it isn't a
> straight TeX-to-HTML one-pass converter is to me a good sign that MathML
> expresses stuff that is not reliably expressible in HTML.
>  I suspect that when people start asking for that, we'll quickly have to
>> start saying "no", and at that point, the exception made for math will
>> seem
>> unjustified.
> If no one's asking for the other things, then it's not an issue.
> --
> Joshua Cranmer
> Thunderbird and DXR developer
> Source code archæologist
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