On 4/26/2013 2:06 PM, Kartikaya Gupta wrote:
> On 13-04-26 11:37 , Phil Ringnalda wrote:
>>  Unfortunately, engineering is totally indifferent to
>> things like having doubled the cycle time for Win debug browser-chrome
>> since last November.
> Is there a bug filed for this? I just cranked some of the build.json
> files through some scripts and got the average time (in seconds) for
> all the jobs run on the
> mozilla-central_xp-debug_test-mochitest-browser-chrome builders, and
> there is in fact a significant increase since November. This makes me
> think that we need a "resource usage regression" alarm of some sort too.
> builds-2012-11-01.js: 4063
> builds-2012-11-15.js: 4785
> builds-2012-12-01.js: 5311
> builds-2012-12-15.js: 5563
> builds-2013-01-01.js: 6326
> builds-2013-01-15.js: 5706
> builds-2013-02-01.js: 5823
> builds-2013-02-15.js: 6103
> builds-2013-03-01.js: 5642
> builds-2013-03-15.js: 5187
> builds-2013-04-01.js: 5643
> builds-2013-04-15.js: 6207

Well, wall time will [likely] increase as we write new tests. I'm
guessing (OK, really hoping) the number of mochitest files has increased
in rough proportion to the wall time? Also, aren't we executing some
tests on virtual machines now? On any virtual machine (and especially on
EC2), you don't know what else is happening on the physical machine, so
CPU and I/O steal are expected to cause variations and slowness in
execution time.

Speaking of resource usage, I've filed bug 859573 to have system
resource "counters" reported as part of jobs. That way, we can have a
high-level handle on whether our CPU efficiency is increasing/decreasing
over time. I'd argue that we should strive for 100% CPU saturation on
every slave (for most jobs) otherwise those CPU cycles are lost forever
and we've wasted capacity. But, that's arguably a conversation for
another thread.

While I don't have numbers off hand, one of the things I noticed was the
wall time of the various test chunks isn't as balanced as it should be.
In particular, bc tests seem to be a long pole. Perhaps we should split
them into bc-1 and bc-2? Along that vein, perhaps we could combine some
of the regular mochitest jobs, as they don't seem to take too long to
execute. Who makes these kinds of decisions?

On the subject of mochitests, I think we should really pound home the
message that mochitests should be avoided if possible. If you can move
more "business logic" into JSMs and test with xpcshell tests and only
write mochitests for the code that exists in the browser, that's a net
win (xpcshell tests are lighter weight and easier to run in parallel).
This would likely involve a huge shift in the way FX Team (and others)
write code and tests, so I don't expect it will be an easy sell. But,
it's a discussion we should have because the impact on test execution
times could be drastic.
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