I agree, it is also super tedious to set up and update. You always
have to remember to go to /prototype and sometimes you need to clear
the caching of the pages that include it. I think some these pages
sometimes have extra information that is not included in the main
page, but I doubt many people even look there. When I created
I also didn't bother to create the prototype page.

On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 9:04 PM, Eric Shepherd <esheph...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Currently, the JavaScript reference content for the global classes (String,
> Array, etc), are divided up such that the class methods and properties and
> the prototype methods and properties are documented separately, with links
> between them. For example, see:
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String
> and
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/prototype
> While this might make sense to super-expert JavaScript folks (indeed, it was
> their idea to do it this way), it's actually really confusing to everyone
> else.
> I'd like to propose we merge them back together, so that the stuff currently
> documented on the "prototype" page is in the main body of the class's
> documentation where most people would expect it to be. If useful, we can
> come up with a badge to put next to items that are part of the prototype (or
> not) to differentiate between them.
> But the current organization is, well, kind of weird.
> Any opinions on this pro or con before we actually try to find someone to do
> the work?
> --
> Eric Shepherd
> Developer Documentation Lead
> Mozilla
> Blog: http://www.bitstampede.com/
> Twitter: @sheppy
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