Of course attachments don't work great on newsgroups.  I've uploaded
the about:memory dumps I tried to attach to people.m.o:


On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 7:51 PM, Justin Lebar <justin.le...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think we should consider using much less JS in the parts of Gecko that are
> used in B2G.  I'd like us to consider writing new modules in C++ where
> possible, and I'd like us to consider rewriting existing modules in C++.
> I'm only proposing a change for modules which are enabled for B2G.  For 
> modules
> which aren't enabled on B2G, I'm not proposing any change.
> What I'd like to come out of this thread is a consensus one way or another as
> to whether we continue along our current path of writing many features that 
> are
> enabled on B2G in JS, or whether we change course.
> Since most of these features implemented in JS seem to be DOM features, I'm
> particularly interested in the opinions of the DOM folks.  I'm also interested
> in the opinions of JS folks, particularly those who know about the memory 
> usage
> of our new JITs.
> In the remainder of this e-mail I'll first explain where our JS memory is
> going.  Then I'll address two arguments that might be made against my proposal
> to use more C++.  Finally, I'll conclude by suggesting a plan of action.
> === Data ===
> Right now about 50% (16mb) of the memory used by the B2G main process
> immediately after rebooting is JS.   It is my hypothesis that we could greatly
> reduce this by converting modules to C++.
> On our 256mb devices, we have about 120mb available to Gecko, so this 16mb
> represents 13% of all memory available to B2G.
> To break down the 16mb of JS memory, 8mb is from four workers: ril_worker,
> net_worker, wifi_worker (x2).  5mb of the 8mb is under "unused-arenas"; this 
> is
> fragmentation in the JS heap.  Based on my experience tackling fragmentation 
> in
> the jemalloc heap, I suspect reducing this would be difficult.  But even if we
> eliminated all of the fragmentation, we'd still be spending 3mb on these four
> workers, which I think is likely far more than we need.
> The other 8mb is everything else in the system compartment (all our JSMs,
> XPCOM components, etc).  In a default B2G build you don't get a lot of insight
> into this, because most of the system compartments are squished together to 
> save
> memory (bug 798491).  If I set jsloader.reuseGlobal to false, the amount of
> memory used increases from 8mb to 15mb, but now we can see where it's going.
> The list of worst offenders follows, but because this data was collected with
> reuseGlobal turned off, apply generous salt.
>   0.74 MB modules/Webapps.jsm
>   0.59 MB anonymous sandbox from devtools/dbg-server.jsm:41
>   0.53 MB components/SettingsManager.js
>   0.53 MB chrome://browser/content/shell.xul
>   0.49 MB components/WifiWorker.js
>   0.43 MB modules/DOMRequestHelper.jsm
>   0.38 MB modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm
>   0.34 MB RadioInterfaceLayer.js
>   0.31 MB AppsUtils.jsm
>   0.27 MB Webapps.js
>   0.22 MB BrowserElementParent.jsm
>   0.21 MB app://system.gaiamobile.org/index.html
> Many (but certainly not all) of these modules could be rewritten in C++.
> Beyond this list, it's death by a thousand cuts; there are 100 compartments in
> there, and they each cost a small amount.
> I've attached two about:memory dumps collected on my hamachi device soon after
> reboot, so you can examine the situation more closely, if you like.
> merged.json was collected with the default config, and unmerged.json was
> collected with jsloader.reuseGlobal set to false.
> Download and extract these files and then open them with the button at
> the bottom
> of about:memory in Nightly.
> (Before you ask: Most of the heap-unclassified in these dumps is
> graphics memory,
> allocated in drivers.)
> === Should we use JS because it's nicer than C++? ===
> I recognize that in many ways JS is a more convenient language than C++.  But
> that's besides the point here.  The point is that in the environment we're
> targeting, our implementation of JS is too heavyweight.  We can either fix our
> implementation or use less JS, but we can't continue using as much JS as we
> like without doing one of these two things.
> === Why not just make JS slimmer? ===
> It's been suggested to me that instead of converting existing and future JS
> code to C++, we should focus on making our JS engine slimmer.  Such changes
> would of course have the advantage of improving our handling of web content on
> B2G.
> I'm absolutely in favor of reducing JS memory usage, but I see this effort as
> orthogonal to the question of rewriting our current code and writing our 
> future
> code in C++, for a few reasons.
> 1. Content JS does not run in the B2G main process, where the impact of high
> memory usage is strongest.  We can probably tolerate higher memory usage for
> content JS than we can for main-process code.  I think it makes sense for our
> JS team to focus their effort on optimizing for content JS, since that's far
> more widespread.
> 2. We have a large team of B2G engineers, some of whom could work exclusively
> on converting components from JS to C++.  In contrast, we have a relatively
> small team of JS engineers, few of whom can work exclusively on optimizing the
> JS engine for B2G's use-cases.
> 3. I know people get in trouble at Mozilla for suggesting that it's impossible
> to do anything in JS, so I won't do that, but it seems to me that the dynamic
> semantics of JS make it very difficult to achieve the same degree of memory
> density as we do with C++.  (We're talking about density of program data as
> well as code here.)
> At the very least, I'm pretty sure it's straightforward to significantly 
> reduce
> our memory usage by rewriting code in C++, while it would probably take
> engineering heroics to approach the same level of memory usage by modifying 
> the
> JS engine.  I don't think it's wise to bet the product on heroics,
> given an alternative.
> === Conclusion ===
> If we think that 256mb is a fad, then our current trajectory is probably
> sustainable.  But everything I have heard from management suggests that we are
> serious about 256mb for the foreseeable future.
> If we anticipate shipping on 256mb devices for some time, I think our rate of
> adding features written in JS is unsustainable.  I think we should shift the
> default language for implementation of DOM APIs from JS to C++, and we should
> rewrite the parts of the platform that run on B2G in C++, where possible.
> I'd start by converting these four workers.  Do we agree this is a place to
> start?
> -Justin
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