Just to follow up on this - yesterday the metrics Elastic Search cluster experienced some data loss, with OrangeFactor being amongst the services affected.

It's not yet clear if there is a backup available [1][2], so for now the stats shown on http://brasstacks.mozilla.com/orangefactor/ are missing the last 3 months worth of submissions - causing the OrangeFactor (see Clint's email below) for the last 7 days to display as 2-3, rather than the 10 it was at previously.

Whilst the sudden reduction in failure rate is primarily an artefact of the data-loss, in the last week we have also seen an extremely positive response from devs in many intermittent-failure bugs -- RyanVM and myself would like to thank everyone who has chipped in so far! :-)

Kind regards,


[1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=848092#c6
[2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plWnm7UpsXk&t=7s

On 02/03/2013 01:01, Clint Talbert wrote:
We track this through a metric called the Orange Factor which is simply
the average number of intermittent failures encountered on each push.
This means, right now when you push, on *average* you are getting 8
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