On 3/4/13 5:15 AM, Jim Mathies wrote:
For metrofx we’ve been working on getting omtc and apzc running in the browser. 
One of the things we need to be able to do is run performance tests that tell 
us whether or not the work we’re doing is having a positive effect on perf. We 
currently don’t have automated tests up and running for metrofx and talos is 
even farther off.
So to work around this I’ve been putting together some basic perf tests I can 
use to measure performance using the mochitest framework. I’m wondering if this 
might be a useful answer to our perf tests problems long term.

Putting together talos tests is a real pain. You have to write a new test using 
the talos framework (which is a separate repo from mc), test the test to be 
sure it’s working, file rel eng bugs on getting it integrated into talos test 
runs, populated in graph server, and tested via staging to be sure everything 
is working right. Overall the overhead here seems way too high.

Maybe we should consider changing this system so devs can write performance 
tests that suit their needs that are integrated into our main repo? Basically:

1) rework graphs server to be open ended so that it can accept data from test 
runs within our normal test frameworks.
2) develop of test module that can be included in tests that allows test 
writers to post performance data to graph server.
3) come up with a good way to manage the life cycle of active perf tests so 
graph server doesn’t become polluted.
4) port existing talos tests over to the mochitest framework.
5) drop talos.

Curious what people think of this idea.
Generally speaking, I think we should have a generic framework for 
declaring tests. i.e. test files for xpcshell, mochitest, Talos, etc 
would all look very similar from a JS perspective. I've been wanting to 
unify the in-test code for a while and over the weekend I put together a 
very rough draft of what I think this should look like [1]. Please 
criticize it.
If all your tests are declared the same way, then presumably the test 
running code would be similar and capturing performance data would 
require a single implementation affecting all test suites instead of N 
1-off solutions.
I'm of the opinion that would should generally collect tons of data from 
all of our testing frameworks and then sort out the meaning of that data 
later (e.g. ignore data from tests running on non-homogenous or 
unreliable hardware). Maybe we don't care about things like rev X-Y 
comparison of CPU cycles on an individual mochitest. But, we'd certainly 
be interested if we saw an individual mochitest's CPU cycle count or 
wall time double over the span of a month! You can't even raise eyebrows 
unless you have data. We don't have this data today. Even if we did, it 
would require separate implementations for each testing flavor 
(xpcshell, mochitest, etc).
We should unify our test running code as much as possible. Then, we 
should make decisions on whether it makes sense to collect and/or assess 
performance data in each execution context/test flavor.
[1] https://gist.github.com/indygreg/5073810
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