On 2/4/2013 9:59 PM, Dave Mandelin wrote:
I was talking to Taras and Naveed about this today, and what also came up was:
4. Do the work to make 64-bit JS jit perf as good as 32-bit JS jit perf, and then switch
to x64 builds for Windows. There are of course many issues involved with such a switch,
but I believe that would fix the linker memory limit problem, and "make x64 jit perf
real good" seems much more useful and rewarding long-term than trying to patch up a
32-bit build process that MS may not even be that interested in supporting any more.
Except that MSVC uses the 32bit linker for 64bit builds too (as was said
earlier in this thread). Not sure if that's the case for MSVC 2012, though.
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