As someone who's maintained a c++ scientific library ( until 2 years ago: - GCC >= 4.4 generated the fastest code of any compiler I tried when it came out (MSVC, ICC, Clang); 4.5 was even better; I stopped tracking after that. ICC had less bad auto-vectorization, but it was still bad enough that you would still want to write vectorized code yourself anyways. - But GCC's x86-32bit backend was not great; it's with x86-64bit that GCC really shined. - So if we adopted GCC on Windows, that would change the data in the 32bit vs 64bit debate. - Time has passed, Clang has improved a lot since I was working on that...
Benoit 2013/2/1 Jean-Marc Desperrier <> > Nathan Froyd a écrit : > >> Do you have examples that you can point to? I'm sure the GCC folks >> would be interested in hearing about concrete examples... >> > > OK, there was many examples with older GCC versions, but it's not > guaranteed to be still true with the newest GCC which had significant > enhancements since 4.3 > (some people do still find slower results** > 0372.html#menu <> ). > > This requires tests to tell for sure. > > ______________________________**_________________ > dev-platform mailing list > >**listinfo/dev-platform<> > _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list