OK, everyone.  Both mozilla-central and mozilla-inbound are *temporarily*
reopened now.  Please be gentle.



On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Status update #3:
> It seems like with PGO disabled for all of the above modules, we've now
> decreased the linker max vmem size by about 500MB, which is nice.  There is
> one PGO build bustage <
> https://tbpl.mozilla.org/php/getParsedLog.php?id=19006659&tree=Mozilla-Inbound>
> which has been re-triggered, and I think we should wait to make sure that
> it goes green, but then we should be able to reopen mozilla-inbound
> temporarily, with mozilla-central following when we merge inbound to
> central the next time.  We should get the results of the re-triggered build
> in about two hours.  Stay tuned!
> Cheers,
> --
> Ehsan
> <http://ehsanakhgari.org/>
> On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:32 PM, Ehsan Akhgari 
> <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Second status update:
>> The numbers from disabling PGO on image, accessible and webrtc are in,
>> and the linker max vmem size is down by only ~200MB, which is quite
>> disappointing, especially since according to Randell, putting webrtc
>> outside of libxul should buy us something around 600MB...
>> So, as desparate times require desparate measures, I went ahead and
>> disabled PGO on the following components as well: rdf (the original patch
>> there busted the tree so I backd it out), editor, svg, mathml, xslt,
>> embedding, storage, and the old HTML parser.  I will not be awake long
>> enough tonight to see what the progress would look like, but those
>> interested can follow along here: <
>> https://tbpl.mozilla.org/?tree=Mozilla-Inbound&jobname=WINNT%205.2%20.*%20pgo-build
>> >.
>> I'm planning to keep the tree APPROVAL REQUIRED for now.  I will
>> re-evaluate the situation tomorrow, but I do expect that we will be able to
>> temporarily reopen the tree tomorrow.  In the mean time, if you can think
>> about more components which will not be causing a big performance problem
>> by disabling PGO on them, please file a bug and make it block bug 832992
>> (and even better, copy a file like this to their top-level directory to
>> disable PGO on them:
>> https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/file/357b9a855e10/rdf/defs.mk
>> ).
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Ehsan
>> <http://ehsanakhgari.org/>
>> On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Ehsan Akhgari 
>> <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Status update: we have landed three patches on mozilla-inbound which
>>> disable PGO on the following directories (rdf/, image/ and accessible/) and
>>> I have triggered PGO builds on top of them to see how much they can shave
>>> off of the linker's vmem usage.  Randel is also working on taking some
>>> webrtc code out of libxul in the mean time.
>>> If all of this proves to be ineffective, we can look into de-PGO-ing
>>> more code.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ehsan
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