Hi all,

I am upgrading a xulrunner 1.9.2 based application towards 17.0.1. One thing I 
noticed, that for some reason, embedded PDFs via the Adobe Plugin isn't running 

XUL code:

 <vbox minwidth="200">
  <html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; >
    <div id="htmlDiv">
        id              = "pdfObject"
        type    = "application/pdf"
        src             = 
        height  = "850px"
        width   = "1100px"

I put the Adobe PDF plugin to /plugins and I can check that the plugin is 
loaded by looking at the loaded plugins via JS and also in the profile in 
pluginreg.dat. However, the Adobe Reader gives an error popup stating an 
internal error.

--> Is there any change in xulrunner from 1.9.2 to 17.0.1 that I am missing 
which prevents the plugin to receive chrome content?

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