> Is all code loaded into memory as one lump on B2G, or is it paged in as 
> needed? There may be quite a bit of code in there that's not commonly needed.

I don't know how it works, to be honest.  I can't imagine that library
pages are loaded only on demand with no pre-fetching, since that would
be slow.  And I imagine once a code page is in memory it's not going
out.  Our devices don't have swap, and I've never observed them
dropping clean code pages (which don't have to go into a swap file) to
make room for data.


On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 8:04 PM, Norbert Lindenberg
<mozillali...@lindenbergsoftware.com> wrote:
> On Dec 3, 2012, at 16:15 , Justin Lebar wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Norbert Lindenberg
>> <mozillali...@lindenbergsoftware.com> wrote:
>>> Well, the first question is what size increase would be acceptable given 
>>> the benefits that ICU provides.
>>> I have currently trimmed it to 9.7 MB for the data library and 3.1 MB for 
>>> two code libraries.
>> Ignoring download size for a moment, I want to consider the memory
>> usage of this at runtime.
> Memory usage on small devices certainly warrants some investigation and 
> discussion. Unfortunately, I don't have real data yet.
>> Does all of this data need to be loaded into memory?
> Most of the data is locale data for several hundred locales, separated by 
> locale and functionality, so as long as applications don't request a specific 
> locale/functionality combination, it doesn't need to be loaded. Note though 
> that the size of the data isn't uniform per locale - e.g., Chinese collation 
> data is huge.
>> If so, 13mb of code + data is likely unacceptable to B2G.  That's
>> roughly 10% of all memory we have available to gecko on our devices.
>> I would lobby hard against turning this on for B2G.
> Understood. Now, how does B2G support internationalization in the absence of 
> ICU?
>> If we can avoid loading most of that data into memory, the situation
>> is much better.  But even 3mb of code is dicey; we consider a 3mb
>> memory win to be substantial and worthy of a large amount of effort to
>> obtain.
> Is all code loaded into memory as one lump on B2G, or is it paged in as 
> needed? There may be quite a bit of code in there that's not commonly needed. 
> The ICU documentation suggests static linking as a way to reduce code size - 
> I haven't tried yet how much that would help.
>> I'd imagine that the Fennec folks working on project 256mb [1] would
>> have similar reactions.
>> On Windows desktop, our median memory usage is ~500mb, and the 5th
>> percentile is ~175mb, so an extra 13mb, while not great, might be
>> acceptable.  3mb wouldn't be a big deal.
> Good to know.
> Norbert
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