Just landed in inbound [1] is a build system change that automatically defines make's |-j| argument (the parallel process count) to be the number of cores in your machine. Pending a backout, this means that you no longer need to do anything to leverage all the cores in your machine when building!

For the majority of you, MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS consists of |-jN| or |-jN -s|. If you have the former, you can eliminate MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS from your mozconfig and there should be no build time penalty. If you have |-s|, if you build with |./mach build|, it uses silent mode by default, so again, you don't need MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS.

Therefore, MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS can largely be considered unnecessary and should slowly vanish from our mozconfigs and memories.

If you still want to define -j, the build system only sets this argument if no value is defined in MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS.

I feel the build system should be as fast as possible by default - no user action necessary. If you find that -j == # cores isn't providing the fastest builds possible, please present your data and we'll change the default value.

[1] https://tbpl.mozilla.org/?tree=Mozilla-Inbound&rev=7f5e2a9addff
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