On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 8:19 AM, Benjamin Smedberg
<benja...@smedbergs.us> wrote:
> Thank you to everyone who participated in this thread. Given the existing
> information, I have decided to proceed with disabling windows 64-bit nightly
> and hourly builds.

It's clear now that this decision has angered off many of our Nightly
users -- dozens have responded unhappily, and for every one that has
written there are probably many more that haven't.  (A rule of thumb
from politics is that for every voter that writes a letter, there are
100 more that think the same thing;  YMMV.)

These people are some of our most important users, because (a) they
provide early testing and feedback, and (b) they are likely to be
overly influential users, i.e. the kind that recommend to their
friends and familiy which browser they should use.

I understand the concerns about developer efforts.  Can we please
re-enable these builds, stash them somewhere obscure so that no-one
will ever unintentionally stumble across them, and slap a giant
warning on them saying "no support, no promises, no nothing, use at
your own risk"?

That would consume negligible developer resources, but would give us a
chance to regain the goodwill that we're currently pissing away.

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