Try this and let me know.
I am not sure if this is the right list for this — someone want to pitch the right list please let us know. I still keeping my product/open project with XULRunner so if someone believes XULRunner will no longer be supported, due to Gecko future planning, please let us know too. m PS: make sure to update the XULrunner version in the application.ini On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 5:19 PM, <> wrote: > Hi All, i'm experienced with XUL and xulrunner (which are my first choice > when developing not-browser-based applications) but it is a couple of years > that i don't use them. > > I'm trying to start an application from scratch but failing, here are the > details: > > i've downloaded xulrunner (version Mozilla XULRunner 16.0.2 - > 20121024073032) > for debian 32bit (i'm running squeeze) > > i've created basic application packages with this tool: > > and this: > > and also tried the helloworld example at the bottom of this link: > > > i'm running xulrunner with absolute paths, like this: > /home/user/myxul/xulrunner/xulrunner /home/user/myxul/app/application.ini > > and nothing happens (the command line does not return prompt and cpu is > not used) > > so the question is: can you point me toward a current, working example of > an hello world ? > Or maybe i'm missing something ? > > > Thank you very much for supporting, > Mike > _______________________________________________ > dev-platform mailing list > > > -- _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list