LANGLOIS Olivier writes: > xulrunner: 16.0.1
Is this a regression? i.e. Do you know whether it worked differently in previous versions? Kindof but I'm coming from very far in the past. I'm trying to upgrade from xulrunner- There was even no plugin-container in our previous version! This process may just be waiting for the parent process to reply. If you can get a stack trace (with symbols) of the parent process, then it may be worth filing a bug. Sure, I am working on that. I'm inches away to fully understand what is going on. It seems that the main thread is deadlocking when some i/o thread pool is shutting down. Look by yourself: -1230996640[8175698]: nsStandardURL::GetFile [this=85f3af8 spec=file:///opt/400T/ramdisk/media/blank.html resulting_path=/opt/400T/ramdisk/media/blank.html] -1230996640[8175698]: nsComponentManager: CreateInstanceByContractID(;1) succeeded -1230996640[8175698]: nsComponentManager: CreateInstanceByContractID(;1) succeeded -1230996640[8175698]: nsObserverService::AddObserver(8391040: xpcom-shutdown-threads) -1230996640[8175698]: nsComponentManager: CreateInstance({0885d4f8-f7b8-4cda-902e-94ba38bc256e}) succeeded -1230996640[8175698]: THRD-P(86913f8) dispatch [8691760 0] -1230996640[8175698]: THRD-P(86913f8) put [0 0 4] -1230996640[8175698]: EVENTQ(869140c): notify -1230996640[8175698]: THRD-P(86913f8) put [spawn=1] -1355306096[868f1f8]: EVENTQ(868d5c8): wait begin -1230996640[8175698]: EVENTQ(868d5c8): notify -1355306096[868f1f8]: EVENTQ(868d5c8): wait end -1355306096[868f1f8]: THRD(868d590) ProcessNextEvent [1 0] -1355306096[868f1f8]: EVENTQ(868d5c8): wait begin -1230996640[8175698]: THRD-P(86913f8) put [868d590 kill=0] -1230996640[8175698]: THRD(868d590) Dispatch [86913fc 0] -1230996640[8175698]: EVENTQ(868d5c8): notify -1355306096[868f1f8]: EVENTQ(868d5c8): wait end -1355306096[868f1f8]: THRD(868d590) running [86913fc] -1355306096[868f1f8]: THRD-P(86913f8) enter -1355306096[868f1f8]: THRD-P(86913f8) running [8691760] -1230996640[8175698]: III AsyncWait [this=86915e4] -1230996640[8175698]: nsInputStreamPump::Suspend [this=8691360] -1355306096[868f1f8]: THRD-P(86913f8) shutdown async [868d590] -1355306096[868f1f8]: THRD(817df40) Dispatch [86b6680 0] -1355306096[868f1f8]: EVENTQ(817df78): notify -1355306096[868f1f8]: THRD-P(86913f8) leave -1355306096[868f1f8]: THRD(868d590) ProcessNextEvent [1 0] -1355306096[868f1f8]: EVENTQ(868d5c8): wait begin -1230996640[8175698]: THRD(817df40) ProcessNextEvent [0 0] -1230996640[8175698]: THRD(817df40) running [86b6680] -1230996640[8175698]: THRD(868d590) shutdown -1230996640[8175698]: EVENTQ(868d5c8): notify -1230996640[8175698]: THRD(817df40) ProcessNextEvent [1 1] -1355306096[868f1f8]: EVENTQ(868d5c8): wait end -1355306096[868f1f8]: THRD(868d590) running [83edff0] -1355306096[868f1f8]: THRD(817df40) Dispatch [83edf08 0] -1355306096[868f1f8]: EVENTQ(817df78): notify -1259202544[8052998]: NPError mozilla::plugins::child::_posturlnotify(NPP_t*, const char*, const char*, uint32_t, const char*, NPBool, void*) [time:1387967764026950][7180][PPluginInstanceChild] Sending Msg_PStreamNotifyConstructor([TODO]) -1267217520[80a7398]: /root/mozilla-release/ipc/chromium/src/chrome/common/ sending message @80ce6b8 on channel @8061f98 with type 2293822 (0 in queue) -1267217520[80a7398]: /root/mozilla-release/ipc/chromium/src/chrome/common/ sent message @80ce6b8 on channel @8061f98 with type 2293822 -1269396592[8568f78]: /root/mozilla-release/ipc/chromium/src/chrome/common/ received message on channel @83e4238 with type 2293822 -1269396592[8568f78]: THRD(817df40) Dispatch [817bf20 0] -1269396592[8568f78]: EVENTQ(817df78): notify nothing else happens from there... _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list ________________________________ CONFIDENTIALITY : This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not a named recipient, please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to another person, use it for any purpose or store or copy the information in any medium. _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list