On 10/22/2012 09:54 AM, Justin Lebar wrote:
Can you please file a bug (with STR, if you understand them) here?  (I
presume this user is opening about:memory from Thunderbird?)


Yes, I am opening about:memory from Thunderbird.

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/17.0 Thunderbird/17.0 BuildID: 20121010163528

Can't find a bug filed on this yet, but I could try if I am correct about this format. Components > Toolkit > about:memory > Uncomfirmed

I have been playing with a test profile, and the 32-bit version of Thunderbird, and noticed I don't get the warning until I create a 3rd Calendar. I have five in my default profile.

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 9:29 AM, Philipp Kewisch <mozi...@kewis.ch> wrote:
This is probably rather something worth reporting in dev.platform. That
memory reporter is the SQLite/storage service reporter.

Its interesting that Lightning being installed causes this to show though.

I've set Followup-To.


On 10/22/12 2:53 PM, WaltS wrote:

I am seeing this message when checking about:memory in Troubleshooting

WARNING: the following values are negative or unreasonably large.
     explicit/storage/sqlite/(10 tiny)/other
This indicates a defect in one or more memory reporters.  The invalid
values are highlighted.

The warning is caused by the last value in this tree.

────7.27 MB (03.95%) -- storage/sqlite
│    ├──5.12 MB (02.78%) -- local.sqlite
│    │  ├──3.21 MB (01.75%) ── cache-used [6]
│    │  └──1.91 MB (01.04%) ++ (2 tiny)
│    └──2.15 MB (01.17%) -- (11 tiny)
│       ├──1.35 MB (00.73%) ++ global-messages-db.sqlite
│       ├──0.64 MB (00.35%) ++ extensions.sqlite
│       ├──0.43 MB (00.23%) ++ places.sqlite
│       ├──0.36 MB (00.19%) ++ addons.sqlite
│       ├──0.26 MB (00.14%) ++ blist.sqlite
│       ├──0.20 MB (00.11%) ++ timezones.sqlite
│       ├──0.18 MB (00.10%) ++ signons.sqlite
│       ├──0.17 MB (00.09%) ++ cookies.sqlite
│       ├──0.10 MB (00.06%) ++ content-prefs.sqlite
│       ├──0.02 MB (00.01%) ++ permissions.sqlite
│       └──-1.55 MB (-0.84%) ── other [?!]

This is the only calendar related message in the Error Console.

Timestamp: 10/22/2012 08:47:43 AM
Warning: Use of Mutation Events is deprecated. Use MutationObserver
Source File: chrome://calendar/content/widgets/calendar-widgets.xml
Line: 306

It is not there if I restart in safe mode. Enabling each extension one
by one, shows it to be caused by Lightning 1.9b2.

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Thunderbird Beta (17.0) Install and test it.
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