Hey All

After a bit of a delay on a few fronts, and some cleanups, we have just
(within the past 15 minutes) reopened trees.

One of us will provide a summary sometime this week.

Unless it is tree-closing-critical we are likely to rest up and regroup
and let it sit overnight, however if there is anything wrong you can
feel free to file a bug and ping us anyway, and we'll get to it as soon
as we can.

~Justin Wood (Callek)

John O'Duinn wrote:
> hi;
> We need to close the trees for 10hours on Sunday 21oct2012, from 8am-6pm
> PDT, in order to do network upgrades in MTV and SCL1 datacenters. This
> downtime is to allow for 8 hours of Ops work, followed by 2 hours of
> RelEng spinning systems back up. The scl1 core upgrade is needed in
> preparation for the mobile test build out (BUG#799922), but that project
> gained momentum faster than we had planned to get the core online. The
> MTV upgrades are to help fix some recent treeclosing network stability
> issues.
> Summary of work planned:
> * Bug 800113 - Relocate df302 switch stack
> * Bug 795955 - please investigate UPS outage longevity for mtv1
> * Bug 798126 - Move ports in 3MDF from Mozilla Guest network to Mozilla
> network
> * Bug 797587 - Upgrade SCL1 core network
> Sorry for the short notice on this, but this work has been on hold for a
> couple of weeks while we've been dealing with chemspills recently, and
> this gap in the schedule just opened up.
> If there are any questions / concerns about this work, please contact me
> or email rele...@mozilla.com.
> thanks
> John.

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