I will talk with Alex about all of the concerns you've raised (hopefully
this week)

Hopefully we can get everything straightened out and produce another great
benchmark option that we can all consume/contribute to!

- Daniel
On Sep 25, 2012 7:03 PM, "Nicholas Nethercote" <n.netherc...@gmail.com>

> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 6:23 PM, Daniel Buchner <dbuch...@mozilla.com>
> wrote:
> > I know the principal Google PM, Alex K, who heads up RoboHornet - he has
> > been extremely helpful with our Web Components initiative. I believe he
> had
> > good intentions with RoboHornet, and his personal posts (and those of
> Paul
> > Irish) did not claim Google had Mozilla's official organizational support
> > for the benchmark/tests (it was supposed to be by-devs-for-devs)
> Oh, absolutely.  I just didn't want your presence on that list to be
> perceived as any kind of support from Mozilla.  I read that a
> Microsoft person removed their name just today for the same reason.
> > I believe Alex would be very amenable to changes to the tests, general
> > benchmark strategy, and our contributions. I can help make sure our
> concerns
> > are addressed - I'd be more than happy to do so.
> https://github.com/robohornet/robohornet/issues/67 has a good summary
> of the concerns, via comments from jlebar and I.  I guess we can wait
> and see if they respond further.  If you want to also press him
> privately for a response to those comments, that wouldn't hurt.  If
> they are willing to redo things from scratch, avoiding
> microbenchmarks, then there's potential for a good outcome here.
> Nick
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