On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 11:57 PM, Neil <n...@parkwaycc.co.uk> wrote:
> That's not a very enlightening description of a use case... which overloads
> do you already have, and which one is the compiler using when you don't want
> it to?

I had
    void operator=(const jArray<T,L>& other)
where jArray is a struct and
    void operator=(L zero)
where L is in practice int32_t and argument zero is only ever 0.

The person who did the nullptr conversion was apparently not OK with
the nullptr to 0 implicit conversion causing a warning, so I figure I
must not re-introduce that conversion.

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 5:22 PM, Rafael Ávila de Espíndola
<respind...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> In code that uses c++11 you can use
> typedef decltype(nullptr) foobar;

This seems to work. Thanks.

Now I have:
    void operator=(const jArray<T,L>& other) {
      delete[] arr;
      arr = other.arr;
      length = other.length;
    typedef decltype(nullptr) jArray_nullptr_t;
    void operator=(jArray_nullptr_t zero) {
      // Make assigning null to an array in Java delete the buffer in C++
      delete[] arr;
      arr = nullptr;
      length = 0;
    void operator=(L zero) {
      // Make assigning null to an array in Java delete the buffer in C++
      NS_ASSERTION(!zero, "Non-zero integer assigned to jArray.");
      delete[] arr;
      arr = nullptr;
      length = 0;

Henri Sivonen
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