On Thursday, 16 August 2012 18:21:35 UTC+2, Ehsan Akhgari  wrote:
> On the testharness.js side, we have things like assert_regexp_match, for 
> example.  I would argue that whether or not assert_regexp_match(a, 
> /foo/, "msg") is more readable than ok(/foo/.match(a), "msg") is very 
> subjective and depends on what the author of the test is used to see.

As the original author of testharness.js this is one style choice I feel I can 
defend. The API is indeed relatively large – but no more so than the typical 
JUnit inspired framework – but this design has substantial benefits, and it is 
easy to ignore the parts that you aren't using.

The typical test format we used at Opera before testharness.js was exceedingly 
lightweight/liberal; it basically has a single function that takes a boolean 
indicating whether the test passed. Sadly this makes the tests very 
inconsistent and hard to read because every one is a special snowflake that 
does its own validation logic. This requires lots of code, often duplicated 
across tests, that is not really related to the thing under test but is needed 
to validate the results. It also means that every author makes their own 
decisions about how to do various kinds of test e.g. checking the right 
exception was thrown by a DOM method.

The advantage of having a richer API is that it brings rigor and consistency to 
tests. By far the most common assertion in testharness.js is assert_equals. 
Even this simple method is a win compared to having people write their own 
equality test because it will always use strict equality. 

For more complex cases where the logic needed to make the test correct is more 
involved the benefits are correspondingly greater e.g. assert_array_equals 
removes the need for an explicit loop cluttering up the test itself and 
assert_throws has some relatively complex logic to handle checking the expected 
properties of DOM and ECMAScript exceptions. 

If test authors were left to reimplement on an ad-hoc basis the assertions that 
testharness.js provides built-in tests would be harder to read, less 
consistent, and more prone to error. That seems well worth the cost of a having 
such a rich API.
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