Maybe we should take a different approach to the problem... Have an all-developer "fix orange tests" day where developers work ONLY on fixing random oranges (maybe once you've successfully fixed 1 or 2 random oranges, you can go back to your other work?)
Not meant as a criticism, but rather just a suggestion - not trying to be rude. ~Scott On Wed 25 Jul 2012 04:34:27 AM CDT, Dao wrote: > On 25.07.2012 02:05, ben turner wrote: >> Disabling a test without a peer's input and then leaving open an >> unassigned bug to re-enable it is a pretty good way to leave the test >> disabled forever. > > Seems like somebody should be watching the component and take care of > the bug. If this doesn't happen, maybe the test wasn't important after > all? > _______________________________________________ > dev-platform mailing list > > _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list