On Jul 25, 2012 2:50 AM, "Aryeh Gregor" <a...@aryeh.name> wrote:
> The C++11 standard defines a new dedicated null-pointer symbol,
"nullptr".  It provides better type-safety than existing null-pointer
definitions, because it doesn't allow implicit conversion to numeric types.
 In <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=626472> I defined
"nullptr" to mean 0L/0LL (like current nsnull) where unsupported, then
redefined "nsnull" to mean "nullptr".  This caught a bunch of places where
people were using nsnull to mean crazy things like NS_OK or other things
that happened to equal 0.
> The next step is to s/nsnull/nullptr/ in the codebase, and get rid of
nsnull.  There's no reason for us to use our own identifier when there's a
standard one.  This will be of comparable scale to the PRBool elimination
of last year -- around 20,000 lines changed instead of 30,000.  This will
of course insta-bitrot any patches that people have that mention "nsnull"
anywhere, but a shell script will be provided to auto-fix them, as with the
PRBool switch (something like "sed -i s/\bnsnull\b/nullptr/
.hg/patches{,-*}/*" should do it).
> This message is of general interest because after the switch, "nsnull"
will no longer work, and patch queues will have to be updated.  Also,
anyone who maintains a branch will want to figure out how to avoid merge

By the way, I want to say thanks for doing this!! I definitely believe that
things like this is both helping with making our code more approachable,
and generally come with other benefits too. Such as the type safety in this

When are we doing PRUint32? ;-)

/ Jonas
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