IT is requesting a tree closing downtime on Sunday 29 July 2012. This
would be a 3 hour tree closure, from noon to 3pm pacific time.
This downtime is to upgrade firewalls and connectivity in 650castro and
upgrade the link between our Phoenix data center and our Bay Area data
centers. Details in:
* Bug 768535 - upgrade fw1.mtv1
* Bug 735395 - Turn up sjc2-phx1 AboveNet transport
While the trees are closed, there's also:
* Bug 777521 - reset try repo
* Bug 756636 - Migrate off of winbuild.scl1.mozilla.com to
* Bug 776620 - source nat changes in scl3 to static IPs rather than
interface IPs
* Bug 764827 - moving ringring's external IP address
* Bug 776999 - Reconfigure sjc1-scl2 lacp bundle
NOTE: For the duration of this downtime, the entire MTV office network
will be offline, which means trees closed because all android tests will
be offline.
This weekend was chosen to avoid disruption to people in MTV office, as
well as after the 14.0.1 release has been unthrottled. Please let
RelEng/myself know ASAP if there is any reason we should not proceed
with this downtime.
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