
As many of you are no doubt aware, Try Server load has been very high recently 
[1] (sometimes taking up to 24 hours to get a full set of results). Bug 772458 
has some dependants that will help, but won't make a significant difference in 
the short term. 

In the meantime please can everyone remember to cancel unwanted/busted Try 
runs, to help the overall wait time.

Builds/tests can be cancelled all at once, or on a per job basis:

Please don't cancel builds/tests on trees other than Try, without checking with 
#developers first. [1]

Thank you :-)


[1] http://build.mozilla.org/builds/pending/try.html

[2] Killing builds on non-Try trees requires clobbering; killing pending tests 
can result in the wrong test being cancelled, due to coalescing. The recent 
changes made to TBPL [3] prevents people from using cancel in these cases, but 
some people have still been using the buildapi page directly, bypassing these 
checks (until bug 664858 fixed).

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