The branch main has been updated by glebius:


commit 876b88a44829123eeb685957ce80a762d894c4d8
Author:     Gleb Smirnoff <>
AuthorDate: 2025-01-29 17:48:02 +0000
Commit:     Gleb Smirnoff <>
CommitDate: 2025-01-29 23:48:55 +0000

    netlink: consistently use unsigned types in the parser
    Use uint32_t for anything that is derived from message length, use
    uint16_t for anything that represents attribute length and use u_int for
    array indices.
 sys/netlink/netlink_ctl.h            |  4 ++--
 sys/netlink/netlink_message_parser.c | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 sys/netlink/netlink_message_parser.h | 42 ++++++++++++++++--------------------
 3 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/netlink/netlink_ctl.h b/sys/netlink/netlink_ctl.h
index a23e9a3a948f..58f7f6c4abe3 100644
--- a/sys/netlink/netlink_ctl.h
+++ b/sys/netlink/netlink_ctl.h
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ MALLOC_DECLARE(M_NETLINK);
 #define NLA_ALIGN_SIZE          sizeof(uint32_t)
 #define NLA_ALIGN(_len)         _roundup2(_len, NLA_ALIGN_SIZE)
-#define        NLA_HDRLEN              ((int)sizeof(struct nlattr))
-#define        NLA_DATA_LEN(_nla)      ((int)((_nla)->nla_len - NLA_HDRLEN))
+#define        NLA_HDRLEN              ((uint16_t)sizeof(struct nlattr))
+#define        NLA_DATA_LEN(_nla)      ((_nla)->nla_len - NLA_HDRLEN)
 #define        NLA_DATA(_nla)          NL_ITEM_DATA(_nla, NLA_HDRLEN)
 #define        NLA_DATA_CONST(_nla)    NL_ITEM_DATA_CONST(_nla, NLA_HDRLEN)
 #define        NLA_TYPE(_nla)          ((_nla)->nla_type & 0x3FFF)
diff --git a/sys/netlink/netlink_message_parser.c 
index 4a35440c50e0..caef40ff73b9 100644
--- a/sys/netlink/netlink_message_parser.c
+++ b/sys/netlink/netlink_message_parser.c
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ nlmsg_report_cookie_u32(struct nl_pstate *npt, uint32_t val)
 static const struct nlattr_parser *
-search_states(const struct nlattr_parser *ps, int pslen, int key)
+search_states(const struct nlattr_parser *ps, u_int pslen, int key)
        int left_i = 0, right_i = pslen - 1;
@@ -122,34 +122,37 @@ search_states(const struct nlattr_parser *ps, int pslen, 
int key)
-nl_parse_attrs_raw(struct nlattr *nla_head, int len,
-    const struct nlattr_parser *ps, int pslen, struct nl_pstate *npt,
+nl_parse_attrs_raw(struct nlattr *nla_head, uint16_t len,
+    const struct nlattr_parser *ps, u_int pslen, struct nl_pstate *npt,
     void *target)
-       struct nlattr *nla = NULL;
+       const struct nlattr_parser *s;
+       struct nlattr *nla;
+       uint16_t orig_len, off;
        int error = 0;
        NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG3, "parse %p remaining_len %d", nla_head, len);
-       int orig_len = len;
+       orig_len = len;
        NLA_FOREACH(nla, nla_head, len) {
-               NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG3, ">> parsing %p attr_type %d len %d (rem %d)",
+               NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG3, ">> parsing %p attr_type %u len %u (rem %u)",
                    nla, nla->nla_type, nla->nla_len, len);
                if (nla->nla_len < sizeof(struct nlattr)) {
-                           "Invalid attr %p type %d len: %d",
+                           "Invalid attr %p type %u len: %u",
                            nla, nla->nla_type, nla->nla_len);
-                       uint32_t off = (char *)nla - (char *)npt->hdr;
+                       off = (char *)nla - (char *)npt->hdr;
                        nlmsg_report_err_offset(npt, off);
                        return (EINVAL);
-               int nla_type = nla->nla_type & NLA_TYPE_MASK;
-               const struct nlattr_parser *s = search_states(ps, pslen, 
+               s = search_states(ps, pslen, nla->nla_type & NLA_TYPE_MASK);
                if (s != NULL) {
-                       void *ptr = (void *)((char *)target + s->off);
+                       void *ptr;
+                       ptr = (void *)((char *)target + s->off);
                        error = s->cb(nla, npt, s->arg, ptr);
                        if (error != 0) {
-                               uint32_t off = (char *)nla - (char *)npt->hdr;
+                               off = (char *)nla - (char *)npt->hdr;
                                nlmsg_report_err_offset(npt, off);
                                    "parse failed at offset %u", off);
@@ -157,42 +160,43 @@ nl_parse_attrs_raw(struct nlattr *nla_head, int len,
                } else {
                        /* Ignore non-specified attributes */
-                       NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG3, "ignoring attr %d", nla->nla_type);
+                       NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG3, "ignoring attr %u", nla->nla_type);
        if (len >= sizeof(struct nlattr)) {
                nla = (struct nlattr *)((char *)nla_head + (orig_len - len));
-               NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG3, " >>> end %p attr_type %d len %d", nla,
+               NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG3, " >>> end %p attr_type %u len %u", nla,
                    nla->nla_type, nla->nla_len);
-       NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG3, "end parse: %p remaining_len %d", nla, len);
+       NL_LOG(LOG_DEBUG3, "end parse: %p remaining_len %u", nla, len);
        return (0);
-nl_get_attrs_bmask_raw(struct nlattr *nla_head, int len,
+nl_get_attrs_bmask_raw(struct nlattr *nla_head, uint32_t len,
     struct nlattr_bmask *bm)
        struct nlattr *nla = NULL;
+       uint16_t nla_type;
        NLA_FOREACH(nla, nla_head, len) {
                if (nla->nla_len < sizeof(struct nlattr))
-               int nla_type = nla->nla_type & NLA_TYPE_MASK;
+               nla_type = nla->nla_type & NLA_TYPE_MASK;
                if (nla_type < NL_ATTR_BMASK_SIZE)
                        BIT_SET(NL_ATTR_BMASK_SIZE, nla_type, bm);
-                           "Skipping type %d in the mask: too short",
+                           "Skipping type %u in the mask: too short",
-nl_has_attr(const struct nlattr_bmask *bm, unsigned int nla_type)
+nl_has_attr(const struct nlattr_bmask *bm, uint16_t nla_type)
        MPASS(nla_type < NL_ATTR_BMASK_SIZE);
diff --git a/sys/netlink/netlink_message_parser.h 
index 13d52d80ecdc..8492ecb3021b 100644
--- a/sys/netlink/netlink_message_parser.h
+++ b/sys/netlink/netlink_message_parser.h
@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ typedef bool strict_parser_f(void *hdr, struct nl_pstate 
 typedef bool post_parser_f(void *parsed_attrs, struct nl_pstate *npt);
 struct nlhdr_parser {
-       int                     nl_hdr_off; /* aligned netlink header size */
-       int                     out_hdr_off; /* target header size */
-       int                     fp_size;
-       int                     np_size;
+       u_int                   nl_hdr_off; /* aligned netlink header size */
+       u_int                   out_hdr_off; /* target header size */
+       u_int                   fp_size;
+       u_int                   np_size;
        const struct nlfield_parser     *fp; /* array of header field parsers */
        const struct nlattr_parser      *np; /* array of attribute parsers */
        strict_parser_f         *sp; /* Pre-parse strict validation function */
@@ -162,12 +162,12 @@ static const struct nlhdr_parser _name = {                
 #define        NL_ATTR_BMASK_SIZE      128
-void nl_get_attrs_bmask_raw(struct nlattr *nla_head, int len,
+void nl_get_attrs_bmask_raw(struct nlattr *nla_head, uint32_t len,
     struct nlattr_bmask *bm);
-bool nl_has_attr(const struct nlattr_bmask *bm, unsigned int nla_type);
+bool nl_has_attr(const struct nlattr_bmask *bm, uint16_t nla_type);
-int nl_parse_attrs_raw(struct nlattr *nla_head, int len,
-    const struct nlattr_parser *ps, int pslen, struct nl_pstate *npt,
+int nl_parse_attrs_raw(struct nlattr *nla_head, uint16_t len,
+    const struct nlattr_parser *ps, u_int pslen, struct nl_pstate *npt,
     void *target);
 int nlattr_get_flag(struct nlattr *nla, struct nl_pstate *npt,
@@ -226,10 +226,9 @@ void nlmsg_report_cookie_u32(struct nl_pstate *npt, 
uint32_t val);
  * the list of direct function calls without iteration.
 static inline int
-nl_parse_header(void *hdr, int len, const struct nlhdr_parser *parser,
+nl_parse_header(void *hdr, uint32_t len, const struct nlhdr_parser *parser,
     struct nl_pstate *npt, void *target)
-       struct nlattr *nla;
        int error;
        if (__predict_false(len < parser->nl_hdr_off)) {
@@ -258,7 +257,7 @@ nl_parse_header(void *hdr, int len, const struct 
nlhdr_parser *parser,
                return (EINVAL);
        /* Extract fields first */
-       for (int i = 0; i < parser->fp_size; i++) {
+       for (u_int i = 0; i < parser->fp_size; i++) {
                const struct nlfield_parser *fp = &parser->fp[i];
                void *src = (char *)hdr + fp->off_in;
                void *dst = (char *)target + fp->off_out;
@@ -268,9 +267,9 @@ nl_parse_header(void *hdr, int len, const struct 
nlhdr_parser *parser,
                        return (error);
-       nla = (struct nlattr *)((char *)hdr + parser->nl_hdr_off);
-       error = nl_parse_attrs_raw(nla, len - parser->nl_hdr_off, parser->np,
-           parser->np_size, npt, target);
+       error = nl_parse_attrs_raw(
+           (struct nlattr *)((char *)hdr + parser->nl_hdr_off),
+           len - parser->nl_hdr_off, parser->np, parser->np_size, npt, target);
        if (parser->post_parse != NULL && error == 0) {
                if (!parser->post_parse(target, npt))
@@ -284,10 +283,8 @@ static inline int
 nl_parse_nested(struct nlattr *nla, const struct nlhdr_parser *parser,
     struct nl_pstate *npt, void *target)
-       struct nlattr *nla_head = (struct nlattr *)NLA_DATA(nla);
-       return (nl_parse_attrs_raw(nla_head, NLA_DATA_LEN(nla), parser->np,
-           parser->np_size, npt, target));
+       return (nl_parse_attrs_raw((struct nlattr *)NLA_DATA(nla),
+           NLA_DATA_LEN(nla), parser->np, parser->np_size, npt, target));
@@ -330,12 +327,9 @@ static inline void
 nl_get_attrs_bmask_nlmsg(struct nlmsghdr *hdr,
     const struct nlhdr_parser *parser, struct nlattr_bmask *bm)
-       struct nlattr *nla_head;
-       nla_head = (struct nlattr *)((char *)(hdr + 1) + parser->nl_hdr_off);
-       int len = hdr->nlmsg_len - sizeof(*hdr) - parser->nl_hdr_off;
-       nl_get_attrs_bmask_raw(nla_head, len, bm);
+       nl_get_attrs_bmask_raw(
+           (struct nlattr *)((char *)(hdr + 1) + parser->nl_hdr_off),
+           hdr->nlmsg_len - sizeof(*hdr) - parser->nl_hdr_off, bm);

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