The branch main has been updated by alc:


commit 94b09d388b81eb724769e506cdf0f51bba9b73fb
Author:     Alan Cox <>
AuthorDate: 2024-05-11 06:09:39 +0000
Commit:     Alan Cox <>
CommitDate: 2024-05-12 23:22:38 +0000

    arm64: map kernel using large pages when page size is 16K
    When the page size is 16K, use ATTR_CONTIGUOUS to map the kernel code
    and data sections using 2M pages.  Previously, they were mapped using
    16K pages.
    Reviewed by:    markj
    Tested by:      markj
    Differential Revision:
 sys/arm64/arm64/locore.S | 26 +++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/arm64/arm64/locore.S b/sys/arm64/arm64/locore.S
index f53cd365de55..fffebe8f2b02 100644
--- a/sys/arm64/arm64/locore.S
+++ b/sys/arm64/arm64/locore.S
@@ -516,11 +516,10 @@ booti_no_fdt:
-        * Create L3 pages. The kernel will be loaded at a 2M aligned
-        * address, however L2 blocks are too large when the page size is
-        * not 4k to map the kernel with such an aligned address. However,
-        * when the page size is larger than 4k, L2 blocks are too large to
-        * map the kernel with such an alignment.
+        * Create L3 and L3C pages. The kernel will be loaded at a 2M aligned
+        * address, enabling the creation of L3C pages. However, when the page
+        * size is larger than 4k, L2 blocks are too large to map the kernel
+        * with 2M alignment.
 #define        PTE_SHIFT       L3_SHIFT
 #define        BUILD_PTE_FUNC  build_l3_page_pagetable
@@ -784,13 +783,17 @@ LENTRY(link_l2_pagetable)
- * Builds count level 3 page table entries
+ * Builds count level 3 page table entries. Uses ATTR_CONTIGUOUS to create
+ * large page (L3C) mappings when the current VA and remaining count allow
+ * it.
  *  x6  = L3 table
  *  x7  = Block attributes
  *  x8  = VA start
  *  x9  = PA start (trashed)
  *  x10 = Entry count (trashed)
  *  x11, x12 and x13 are trashed
+ *
+ * VA start (x8) modulo L3C_SIZE must equal PA start (x9) modulo L3C_SIZE.
@@ -811,8 +814,17 @@ LENTRY(build_l3_page_pagetable)
        /* Only use the output address bits */
        lsr     x9, x9, #L3_SHIFT
+       /* Check if an ATTR_CONTIGUOUS mapping is possible */
+1:     tst     x11, #(L3C_ENTRIES - 1)
+    2f
+       cmp     x10, #L3C_ENTRIES
+       b.lo    3f
+       orr     x12, x12, #(ATTR_CONTIGUOUS)
+       b       2f
+3:     and     x12, x12, #(~ATTR_CONTIGUOUS)
        /* Set the physical address for this virtual address */
-1:     orr     x13, x12, x9, lsl #L3_SHIFT
+2:     orr     x13, x12, x9, lsl #L3_SHIFT
        /* Store the entry */
        str     x13, [x6, x11, lsl #3]

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