The branch main has been updated by imp:


commit 1023317ac491090f8d84a62999ffc303cf88528c
Merge: 4fc5f321bac9 1c25f3fdf3e6
Author:     Warner Losh <>
AuthorDate: 2024-05-04 21:50:33 +0000
Commit:     Warner Losh <>
CommitDate: 2024-05-04 21:50:33 +0000

    ota: Merge one true awk 20240422 (a3b68e649d2d)
    Apr 22, 2024:
            fixed regex engine gototab reallocation issue that was
            introduced during the Nov 24 rewrite. Thanks to Arnold Robbins.
            Fixed a scan bug in split in the case the separator is a single
            character. thanks to Oguz Ismail for spotting the issue.
    Mar 10, 2024:
            fixed use-after-free bug in fnematch due to adjbuf invalidating
            the pointers to buf. thanks to github user caffe3 for spotting
            the issue and providing a fix, and to Miguel Pineiro Jr.
            for the alternative fix.
            MAX_UTF_BYTES in fnematch has been replaced with awk_mb_cur_max.
            thanks to Miguel Pineiro Jr.
    Sponsored by:           Netflix

 contrib/one-true-awk/ChangeLog                    |  24 ---
 contrib/one-true-awk/FIXES                        |  14 ++
 contrib/one-true-awk/awk.1                        |  52 -----
 contrib/one-true-awk/awk.h                        |   8 -
 contrib/one-true-awk/awkgram.y                    |  20 +-
 contrib/one-true-awk/b.c                          |  34 +--
 contrib/one-true-awk/bugs-fixed/REGRESS           |   2 +-
 contrib/one-true-awk/bugs-fixed/system-status.ok2 |   3 +
 contrib/one-true-awk/lex.c                        |   9 -
 contrib/one-true-awk/main.c                       |   2 +-
 contrib/one-true-awk/maketab.c                    |   1 -
 contrib/one-true-awk/parse.c                      |  23 --
 contrib/one-true-awk/proto.h                      |   3 -
 contrib/one-true-awk/run.c                        | 244 +---------------------
 14 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 395 deletions(-)

diff --cc contrib/one-true-awk/bugs-fixed/system-status.ok2
index 000000000000,f1f631e1cb33..f1f631e1cb33
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/contrib/one-true-awk/bugs-fixed/system-status.ok2
+++ b/contrib/one-true-awk/bugs-fixed/system-status.ok2

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