The branch main has been updated by zlei:


commit c1b26df2972da98b56cfe7b2c1f5b09ab9e51a05
Author:     Zhenlei Huang <>
AuthorDate: 2023-09-09 08:11:24 +0000
Commit:     Zhenlei Huang <>
CommitDate: 2023-09-09 08:15:27 +0000

    UPDATING: Document the change that enable vnet sysctl variables to be 
loader tunable
 UPDATING | 6 ++++++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/UPDATING b/UPDATING
index 3b056eec8227..b370f2f3ebb4 100644
@@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ NOTE TO PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT FreeBSD 15.x IS SLOW:
        world, or to merely disable the most expensive debugging functionality
        at runtime, run "ln -s 'abort:false,junk:false' /etc/malloc.conf".)
+       Enable vnet sysctl variables to be loader tunable. SYSCTLs which
+       belongs to VNETs can be initialized during early boot or module
+       loading if they are marked with CTLFLAG_TUN and there are
+       corresponding kernel environment variables.
        The WITH_INIT_ALL_PATTERN and WITH_INIT_ALL_ZERO build options have
        been replaced by INIT_ALL=pattern and INIT_ALL=zero respectively.

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