The branch main has been updated by karels:


commit 3bb92304b4fe79babd19ba0d9c74d29af9117a22
Author:     Mike Karels <>
AuthorDate: 2023-05-23 12:18:27 +0000
Commit:     Mike Karels <>
CommitDate: 2023-05-23 12:18:27 +0000

    bsdinstall on zfs: create dataset for /home rather than /usr/home
    Now that pw (hence adduser and the initial install) use /home for
    user home directories rather than /usr/home, create a dataset for
    /home rather than /usr/home.  Update the man page to match.
    Reviewed by:    rgrimes, markj
    Differential Revision:
 usr.sbin/bsdinstall/bsdinstall.8    | 8 ++++----
 usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/zfsboot | 6 +++---
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/usr.sbin/bsdinstall/bsdinstall.8 b/usr.sbin/bsdinstall/bsdinstall.8
index b76cdc04b9c3..edeeffa5f634 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/bsdinstall/bsdinstall.8
+++ b/usr.sbin/bsdinstall/bsdinstall.8
@@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ Provides a ZFS-only automatic interactive disk partitioner.
 Creates a single
 .Ic zpool
 with separate datasets for
+.Pa /home ,
 .Pa /tmp ,
 .Pa /usr ,
-.Pa /usr/home ,
 .Pa /usr/ports ,
 .Pa /usr/src ,
@@ -598,15 +598,15 @@ is:
 /$ZFSBOOT_BEROOT_NAME                          mountpoint=none
+# Home directories separated so they are common to all BEs
+/home          mountpoint=/home
 # Compress /tmp, allow exec but not setuid
 /tmp           mountpoint=/tmp,exec=on,setuid=off
 # Do not mount /usr so that 'base' files go to the BEROOT
 /usr           mountpoint=/usr,canmount=off
-# Home directories separated so they are common to all BEs
-/usr/home      # NB: /home is a symlink to /usr/home
 # Ports tree
 /usr/ports     setuid=off
diff --git a/usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/zfsboot 
index c40a9484c8c4..c2d42f830a73 100755
--- a/usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/zfsboot
+++ b/usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/zfsboot
@@ -150,15 +150,15 @@ f_isset ZFSBOOT_DATASETS || ZFSBOOT_DATASETS="
        /$ZFSBOOT_BEROOT_NAME                           mountpoint=none
        /$ZFSBOOT_BEROOT_NAME/$ZFSBOOT_BOOTFS_NAME      mountpoint=/
+       # Home directories separated so they are common to all BEs
+       /home           mountpoint=/home
        # Compress /tmp, allow exec but not setuid
        /tmp            mountpoint=/tmp,exec=on,setuid=off
        # Don't mount /usr so that 'base' files go to the BEROOT
        /usr            mountpoint=/usr,canmount=off
-       # Home directories separated so they are common to all BEs
-       /usr/home       # NB: /home is a symlink to /usr/home
        # Ports tree
        /usr/ports      setuid=off

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