The branch main has been updated by pstef:


commit 43489c142e5686ef92b632afa847f4aa4ce8a526
Author:     Piotr Pawel Stefaniak <>
AuthorDate: 2023-04-29 20:42:15 +0000
Commit:     Piotr Pawel Stefaniak <>
CommitDate: 2023-05-13 19:57:27 +0000

    sh: improve style
 bin/sh/histedit.c | 23 ++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/sh/histedit.c b/bin/sh/histedit.c
index db3b8bcfc1da..07a344ebd17b 100644
--- a/bin/sh/histedit.c
+++ b/bin/sh/histedit.c
@@ -589,15 +589,16 @@ static int
 comparator(const void *a, const void *b, void *thunk)
        size_t curpos = (intptr_t)thunk;
        return (strcmp(*(char *const *)a + curpos,
                *(char *const *)b + curpos));
- * This function is passed to libedit's fn_complete2(). The library will
- * use it instead of its standard function that finds matching files in
- * current directory. If we're at the start of the line, we want to look
- * for available commands from all paths in $PATH.
+ * This function is passed to libedit's fn_complete2(). The library will use
+ * it instead of its standard function that finds matching files in current
+ * directory. If we're at the start of the line, we want to look for
+ * available commands from all paths in $PATH.
 static char
 **sh_matches(const char *text, int start, int end)
@@ -681,13 +682,13 @@ out:
        matches[uniq + 1] = NULL;
-        * matches[0] is special: it's not a real matching file name but a 
-        * prefix for all matching names. It can't be null, unlike any other
-        * element of the array. When strings matches[0] and matches[1] compare
-        * equal and matches[2] is null that means to libedit that there is only
-        * a single match. It will then replace user input with possibly escaped
-        * string in matches[0] which is the reason to copy the full name of the
-        * only match.
+        * matches[0] is special: it's not a real matching file name but
+        * a common prefix for all matching names. It can't be null, unlike
+        * any other element of the array. When strings matches[0] and
+        * matches[1] compare equal and matches[2] is null that means to
+        * libedit that there is only a single match. It will then replace
+        * user input with possibly escaped string in matches[0] which is the
+        * reason to copy the full name of the only match.
        if (uniq == 1)
                matches[0] = strdup(matches[1]);

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