[This just puts my prior reply's material into Cy's
adjusted resend of the original. The To/Cc should
be coomplete this time.]

On Apr 12, 2023, at 22:52, Cy Schubert <cy.schub...@cschubert.com> wrote:

> In message <c8e4a43b-9fc8-456e-adb3-13e7f40b2...@yahoo.com>, Mark Millard 
> write
> s:
>> From: Charlie Li <vishwin_at_freebsd.org> wrote on
>> Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 20:11:16 UTC :
>>> Charlie Li wrote:
>>>> Mateusz Guzik wrote:
>>>>> can you please test poudriere with
>>>>> https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/pull/14739/files
>>>> After applying, on the md(4)-backed pool regardless of =
>> block_cloning,=20
>>>> the cy@ `cp -R` test reports no differing (ie corrupted) files. Will=20=
>>>> report back on poudriere results (no block_cloning).
>>>> =20
>>> As for poudriere, build failures are still rolling in. These are (and=20=
>>> have been) entirely random on every run. Some examples from this run:
>>> =20
>>> lang/php81:
>>> - post-install: @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/php.ini-development=20
>>> ${WRKSRC}/php.ini-production ${WRKDIR}/php.conf =
>> ${STAGEDIR}/${PREFIX}/etc
>>> - consumers fail to build due to corrupted php.conf packaged
>>> =20
>>> devel/ninja:
>>> - phase: stage
>>> - install -s -m 555=20
>>> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/devel/ninja/work/ninja-1.11.1/ninja=20
>>> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/devel/ninja/work/stage/usr/local/bin
>>> - consumers fail to build due to corrupted bin/ninja packaged
>>> =20
>>> devel/netsurf-buildsystem:
>>> - phase: stage
>>> - mkdir -p=20
>>> =
>> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/devel/netsurf-buildsystem/work/stage/usr/local/share/ne=
>> tsurf-buildsystem/makefiles=20
>>> =
>> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/devel/netsurf-buildsystem/work/stage/usr/local/share/ne=
>> tsurf-buildsystem/testtools
>>> for M in Makefile.top Makefile.tools Makefile.subdir =
>> Makefile.pkgconfig=20
>>> Makefile.clang Makefile.gcc Makefile.norcroft Makefile.open64; do \
>>> cp makefiles/$M=20
>>> =
>> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/devel/netsurf-buildsystem/work/stage/usr/local/share/ne=
>> tsurf-buildsystem/makefiles/;=20
>>> \
>>> done
>>> - graphics/libnsgif fails to build due to NUL characters in=20
>>> Makefile.{clang,subdir}, causing nothing to link
>> Summary: I have problems building ports into packages
>> via poudriere-devel use despite being fully updated/patched
>> (as of when I started the experiment), never having enabled
>> block_cloning ( still using openzfs-2.1-freebsd ).
>> In other words, I can confirm other reports that have
>> been made.
>> The details follow.
>> [Written as I was working on setting up for the experiments
>> and then executing those experiments, adjusting as I went
>> along.]
>> I've run my own tests in a context that has never had the
>> zpool upgrade and that jump from before the openzfs import to
>> after the existing commits for trying to fix openzfs on
>> FreeBSD. I report on the sequence of activities getting to
>> the point of testing as well.
>> By personal policy I keep my (non-temporary) pool's compatible
>> with what the most recent ??.?-RELEASE supports, using
>> openzfs-2.1-freebsd for now. The pools involved below have
>> never had a zpool upgrade from where they started. (I've no
>> pools that have ever had a zpool upgrade.)
>> (Temporary pools are rare for me, such as this investigation.
>> But I'm not testing block_cloning or anything new this time.)
>> I'll note that I use zfs for bectl, not for redundancy. So
>> my evidence is more limited in that respect.
>> The activities were done on a HoneyComb (16 Cortex-A72 cores).
>> The system has and supports ECC RAM, 64 GiBytes of RAM are
>> present.
>> I started by duplicating my normal zfs environment to an
>> external USB3 NVMe drive and adjusting the host name and such
>> to produce the below. (Non-debug, although I do not strip
>> symbols.) :
>> # uname -apKU
>> FreeBSD CA72_4c8G_ZFS 14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #90 =
>> main-n261544-cee09bda03c8-dirty: Wed Mar 15 20:25:49 PDT 2023     =
>> root@CA72_16Gp_ZFS:/usr/obj/BUILDs/main-CA72-nodbg-clang/usr/main-src/arm6=
>> 4.aarch64/sys/GENERIC-NODBG-CA72 arm64 aarch64 1400082 1400082
>> I then did: git fetch, stash push ., merge --ff-only, stash apply . :
>> my normal procedure. I then also applied the patch from:
>> https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/pull/14739/files
>> Then I did: buildworld buildkernel, install them, and rebooted.
>> The result was:
>> # uname -apKU
>> FreeBSD CA72_4c8G_ZFS 14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #91 =
>> main-n262122-2ef2c26f3f13-dirty: Wed Apr 12 19:23:35 PDT 2023     =
>> root@CA72_4c8G_ZFS:/usr/obj/BUILDs/main-CA72-nodbg-clang/usr/main-src/arm6=
>> 4.aarch64/sys/GENERIC-NODBG-CA72 arm64 aarch64 1400086 1400086
>> The later poudriere-devel based build of packages from ports is
>> based on:
>> # ~/fbsd-based-on-what-commit.sh -C /usr/ports
>> 4e94ac9eb97f (HEAD -> main, freebsd/main, freebsd/HEAD) =
>> devel/freebsd-gcc12: Bump to 12.2.0.
>> Author:     John Baldwin <j...@freebsd.org>
>> Commit:     John Baldwin <j...@freebsd.org>
>> CommitDate: 2023-03-25 00:06:40 +0000
>> branch: main
>> merge-base: 4e94ac9eb97fab16510b74ebcaa9316613182a72
>> merge-base: CommitDate: 2023-03-25 00:06:40 +0000
>> n613214 (--first-parent --count for merge-base)
>> poudriere attempted to build 476 packages, starting
>> with pkg (in order to build the 56 that I explicitly
>> indicate that I want). It is my normal set of ports.
>> The form of building is biased to allowing a high
>> load average compared to the number of hardware
>> threads (same as cores here): each builder is allowed
>> to use the full count of hardware threads. The build
>> used USE_TMPFS=3D"data" instead of the USE_TMPFS=3Dall I
>> normally use on the build machine involved.
>> And it produced some random errors during the attempted
>> builds. A type of example that is easy to interpret
>> without further exploration is:
>> pkg_resources.extern.packaging.requirements.InvalidRequirement: Parse =
>> error at "'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'": Expected W:(0-9A-Za-z)
>> A fair number of errors are of the form: the build
>> installing a previously built package for use in the
>> builder but later the builder can not find some file
>> from the package's installation.
>> Another error reported was:
>> ld: error: /usr/local/lib/libblkid.a: unknown file type
>> For reference:
>> [main-CA72-bulk_a-default] [2023-04-12_20h45m32s] [committing:] Queued: =
>> 476 Built: 252 Failed: 11  Skipped: 213 Ignored: 0   Fetched: 0   =
>> Tobuild: 0    Time: 00:37:52
>> I started another build that tried to build 224 packeges:
>> the 11 failed and 213 skipped.
>> Just 1 package built that failed before:
>> [00:04:58] [09] [00:04:15] Finished databases/sqlite3@default | =
>> sqlite3-3.41.0_1,1: Success
>> It seems to be the only one where the original failure was not
>> an example of complaining about the missing/corrupted content
>> of a package install used for building. So it is an example
>> of randomly varying behavior.
>> That, in turn, allowed:
>> [00:04:58] [01] [00:00:00] Building security/nss | nss-3.89
>> to build but everything else failed or was skipped.
>> The sqlite3 vs. other failure difference suggests that writes
>> have random problems but later reads reliably see the problem
>> that resulted (before the content is deleted).
>> After the above:
>> # zpool status
>>  pool: zroot
>> state: ONLINE
>> config:
>>        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>>        zroot       ONLINE       0     0     0
>>          da0p8     ONLINE       0     0     0
>> errors: No known data errors
>> ไM # zpool scrub zroot
>> # zpool status
>>  pool: zroot
>> state: ONLINE
>>  scan: scrub repaired 0B in 00:16:25 with 0 errors on Wed Apr 12 =
>> 22:15:39 2023
>> config:
>>        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>>        zroot       ONLINE       0     0     0
>>          da0p8     ONLINE       0     0     0
>> errors: No known data errors
>> =3D=3D=3D
>> Mark Millard
>> marklmi at yahoo.com
> Let's try this again. Claws-mail didn't include the list address in the 
> header. Trying to reply, again, using exmh instead.
> Did your pools suffer the EXDEV problem? The EXDEV also corrupted files.

As I reported, this was a jump from before the import
to as things are tonight (here). So: NO, unless the
existing code as of tonight still has the EXDEV problem!

Prior to this experiment I'd not progressed any media
beyond: main-n261544-cee09bda03c8-dirty Wed Mar 15 20:25:49.

> I think, without sufficient investigation we risk jumping to
> conclusions. I've taken an extremely cautious approach, rolling back
> snapshots (as much as possible, i.e. poudriere datasets) when EXDEV
> corruption was encountered.

Again: nothing between main-n261544-cee09bda03c8-dirty and
main-n262122-2ef2c26f3f13-dirty was involved at any stage.

> I did not rollback any snapshots in my MH mail directory. Rolling back
> snapshots of my MH maildir would result in loss of email. I have to
> live with that corruption. Corrupted files in my outgoing sent email
> directory remain:
> slippy$ ugrep -cPa '\x00' ~/.Mail/note | grep -c :1 
> 53
> slippy$ 
> There are 53 corrupted files in my note log of 9913 emails. Those files
> will never be fixed. They were corrupted by the EXDEV bug. Any new ZFS
> or ZFS patches cannot retroactively remove the corruption from those
> files.
> But my poudriere files, because the snapshots were rolled back, were
> "repaired" by the rolled back snapshots.
> I'm not convinced that there is presently active corruption since
> the problem has been fixed. I am convinced that whatever corruption
> that was written at the time will remain forever or until those files
> are deleted or replaced -- just like my email files written to disk at
> the time.

My test results and procedure just do not fit your conclusion
that things are okay now if block_clonging is completely avoided.

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com

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